Given the recent updates about the Coronavirus, many UCLA students are struggling without their normal resources to cope. For students with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)- specifically contamination, health-concern, and harm subtypes- we know this time can be particularly triggering. OCD can also surround themes like Religion, Sexuality, Relationships, Aggression, or "Just Right" themes. Therefore, we want to let you know about a tele-health resource that is available to students with OCD and anxiety to offer live, face-to-face, video therapy sessions.
It’s a platform called NOCD. Inside the platform you can do live video therapy sessions with a licensed therapist that has specialty training in OCD, as well as get support between sessions from OCD specific peer communities and self help tools. If you don’t know if you have OCD, you can also get a comprehensive diagnostic assessment. Each session is very low cost for UCLA students, and in the middle of this year, most health insurance companies in California will sponsor NOCD therapy.
If you would be interested in a 15- min, free, and confidential call with the NOCD to see if they can help you during this stressful time or to download their app, please click the link below for details!