ISO-4448 - new parts available for review
URF is drafting ISO TC204 WG19 DTS4448, a global standard that sets the parameters and procedures for "Intelligent transport systems — Public-area mobile robots (PMRs) and automated pathway devices". TC204 refers to the ISO Technical Committee that is focused on Intelligent transport systems. WG19 refers to Working Group 19 that is focused on Mobility integration. WG19 has 165 people registered representing 21 countries and 4 liaison organisations.
Bern Grush, URF Executive Director, is the global lead for DTS4448 which will be published in stages starting in 2024. It will comprise 16 parts when completed. There are now 7 parts available on the member resources portal - URF members are welcome to read, comment and provide suggestions at any time. Please email your input to :
TD4448-1: Overview of Paradigm (2023 Committee Draft)
TS4448-5: Public-area mobile robot access on human pathways
TS4448-6: Journey planning sufficiency for public-area mobile robots
TS4448-7: Public-area mobile robot behaviour on human pathways
TS4448-14: Personal assistant robots for tasks and goods movement
TS4448-15: Passenger-carrying public-area mobile robots
TS4448-16: Safety and reliability for public-area mobile robots
We held two ISO review sessions for members: Sept 26, 2023 (Atlantic/Europe) and Sept 27/28th (Asia/Pacific). The focus of the discussion was parts 14 and 15. A video recording of the Atlantic/Europe session is now available on the member portal.