NaNoWriMo was largely a success last month. The first draft of Sport's World is completed, though it's a bit messier than I would have liked. But that's what editing is for. Unfortunately, my day job reared its ugly head for much of the month, causing disruptions to my writing. But I managed to push through it and keep close enough to my schedule to come out even in the end.
For December, though, I'm trying something a little different. With the holiday season soon upon us, I'll be taking a few weeks off from the day job to recharge and refresh. During that, I'll be hosting a little event, as I move into writing my next book.
Usually, it takes me two months to write the first draft of a book. When NaNoWriMo comes around, I manage to do it in one. This month, I'll be trying to shorten it yet again. I'll be trying to write The Darkness Within in a week. On top of that, the plan is to live stream this endeavor on Twitch. Details are still in flux, but it is currently planned for the week of the 20th. I'll be making the final announcements on my twitter feed once my break starts.