ANZUUA Newsletter April 2024 |
Welcome to the ANZUUA Newsletter! This is a regular email newsletter from ANZUUA (The Australia and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association). Please subscribe, if you haven't already!! See the subscription box at the end of this newsletter. The subscriber list will not be shared or used for any other purpose. You can unsubscribe at any time with the link at the end of the newsletter. If you received it from your congregation, you will need to contact them directly. You are also welcome to offer items of interest for consideration and inclusion in the newsletter. Thank you for reading! |
G'day and Kia ora to all our readers, and welcome to the April 2024 newsletter! As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person, the interdependent web of all existence, and the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We respect the diversity of religious traditions and spiritual paths that enrich our world, and celebrate the diversity of beliefs and values that enrich our communities. Let us collectively aspire to foster a sense of community, understanding, and compassion that will bring us closer together, inspire us to embrace diversity, and empower us to make a positive impact in our local and global communities. May this be a year of shared learning, meaningful connections, and the fulfillment of our collective aspirations, with love, laughter, and the realization of your deepest hopes and dreams! |
Celebrating two years of our Newsletter! |
ANZUUA introduced this regular newsletter in April 2022, and now this is the second anniversary issue! We have over ninety people who open and read the newsletter every month, and we welcome your input as to what you like, and any ideas you have for new content. We also invite you to find a member of your congregation who does not read the newsletter, tell them about what you like about our newsletter, and invite them to subscribe as well. Email with content ideas!! |
ANZUUA Training ProposalBuilding on the success of our 2023 course on Worship Studies, we are now preparing plans for a course on Unitarian and U/U theologies. Here is a chance for you to explore more about the values that inform your Unitarian faith. ANZUUA have a draft proposal for a five session online course over 9 weeks this winter, for our affiliated congregations. The course is directed to providing knowledge that can be used in practice, how theology can be useful to Unitarians in the relationships of individuals and within the community, rather than providing academic knowledge. The selected topics will be a variation on the following: Unitarian Traditions (roots, history and the current state of Unitarianism including international organizations and relations). Management - administration necessary to manage individual congregations. Service (volunteer work in the congregation, preparation and leading of programs, the basics of pastoral work in a congregation. Theology (the relationship between spirituality and religion, the principles of open-minded faith, resources to draw from on your spiritual path, select concepts and meanings, especially in relation to Unitarianism and liberal theology). Education (work with individual categories of participants in the spiritual programs, from children and youth to adults, and how to deal with important and critical moments in life). Service to society (practical outreach: charity work, social justice, taking care of the environment we live in, etc.). Practical spiritual exercises (learning different types of meditation, etc.).
Please let us have your thoughts by 6th April (email so that your ideas can be considered when we enter into further discussions with the course providers, the Czech Unitarian Academy. We expect the course to cost about $100 per person, possibly less. |
Future Events Mother Earth Day Celebration: Monday 22 April 2024 6 am Auckland, NZ and 4 am Australia (check your state!). For early birds!! The International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women will host an online interactive event with life-long UU Erin Boeke Burke. Erin is the Director and Lead Analyst in the sustainable finance practice at S&P Global Ratings. She works with teams of people in different parts of the world to assess the environmental, social and governance issues which drive investment considerations. Erin is a sought-after presenter in high-level international conferences discussing sustainability challenges and opportunities. FREE event. Invite your friends. Register using this link and receive the Zoom details: Pre-Convocation Tour in Romania/Transylvania: 30 August – 5 September Journey through Transylvania, immersing yourself in centuries-old traditions and customs of sustainable living; forge a deeper bond with the very essence of our planet, while discovering the cradle of Unitarianism in Europe! Departing Kolozsvár/Cluj on Friday, 30 August and returning just before the convocation. Four (4) places left!! Details: |
Unitarian Church in Torockó (pronounced Tor-rots-ko), a town that is still 96% Unitarian! |
International Convocation of UU Women: 5th - 8th September in Romania. Come join women and supporters of gender equity from around the world in the historic Unitarian region of Transylvania! The theme: “Weaving a Tapestry of Peace and New Perspectives” and the collective need for peace within ourselves and in our communities as we search for ways to respond to intersecting global crises and uncertainties. Details: |
Response to ANZUUA statement on the middle east conflict.Last newsletter we published the ANZUUA statement on the middle east situation, and forwarded it to Penny Wong, the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, and leader of the Government in the Australian Senate. We have received a long reply that we have published that in a blog on the ANZUUA web page. To see the many activities that the Australian Government has taken, and is undertaking, on this challenging situation, please take time to read this detailed response in the blog. We fully agree with the statement that Israelis and Palestinians want and deserve to live their lives in peace, security and dignity. |
SINGULARITY by Marie Howe Singularity: Marie Howe’s ode to Stephen Hawking, Our Cosmic Belonging, and the Meaning of Home in a stunning animated short film, and a "symphony of beauty and perspective, over which so many talented women have labored with so much heart and generosity of spirit." Please take time to appreciate the words and video here, and if you enjoyed that, the follow up post with reflections on Walt Whitman, native poetry and the beautifully animated Ode to Our Primeval Bond with Nature and Each Other. |
And.. Its Easter!! In answer to an emailed question that in part read ‘What do you do with Jesus on Easter? I left religion some time ago, but my family and several friends are still very Christian. I feel conflicted every Easter when this comes up. What do you do on Easter Sunday? Just curious, Deconstructing Donna’, Jim Palmer, a former mega-church pastor turned philosopher, and now an expert in deconstruction from fundamentalist beliefs, has some very insightful thoughts on Easter. His quick answer is: "You do you. Right? If you want to go to an Easter Sunday service, go. If you don’t want to, don’t". His longer article entitled, ‘Should You Go to Church on Easter’ makes very interesting reading. He writes about the trend in decline in religiosity, the many varied definitions of Christian that people can refer to when affirming their belief, or non-belief, and he seeks to find a ‘common good’ that we all can support, backed up by a five point manifesto. The We Believe in Good Declaration. Every person can fully embrace and follow their religious tradition, spiritual interests, or philosophical views without creating division, destruction, hostility, or hatred. Every person can find a rationale and motivation within their religious tradition, spiritual interests, or philosophical views to be an instrument of goodness, peace, love, and compassion in the world, and affirm the inherent, equal, and unconditional worth of every human being. Every person has the right to follow their own inner guidance in choosing their own religious, spiritual, or philosophical views and practices. Every person can participate in a process of personal growth, self-actualization, and fulfillment of one’s highest beliefs and aspirations, and encourage the same for others. Every person benefits when each of us follows our own unique inspiration for building a world that works for everyone.
This is well written, thoughtful and has insights for most people.. recommended reading, regardless of your thoughts and intentions of going to church on Easter Sunday!!! Article: |
Global UU Network Co-Ordinator Position The position of coordinator for the new global UU network is being finalized by the Leadership and Design team. This will be a paid part-time position for someone skilled in digital communication and relationship building. More details will be available in the next few days. If you are interested, please contact Renee Hills: |
Our NZ and AUS UU Communities |
A listing, with links, of the churches and fellowships that make up ANZUUA can be found here: We will share news of a selection of UU communities each month. You are encouraged to send any news from your community that you’d like to share to Lynn at |
Taupo UU FellowshipTaupo will begin monthly zoom services in April, with our first zoom Fellowship gathering scheduled for Monday, 22nd April. Please email closer to the date for a link to the zoom session. |
Brisbane UU FellowshipBUUF meet twice a month, on the 2nd Sunday and the 4th Sunday at 10am Queensland time. The service on the 2nd Sunday is on Zoom only. We provide Zoom links for all our services mid-week before the service, to allow people who are remote or ill to connect. We encourage all who are able to attend and help build personal connections and community. We typically have around 10 to 20 people in total attend, some local, some sailing on boats, and some connecting from international locations. We are very lucky to have our last service led by a young woman, Carol Maciel from the Unitarian community in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Her theme was on the joys and challenges of being part of a lay-led community and reflections on how to navigate what makes our faith communities unique. Renee and James met Carol in Prague last year, and have maintained contact with her since, one of the advantages of attending international Unitarian events!! |
Carol Maciel (at the Prague Unitaria Church) |
Renee Hills led a service on International Women's Day at the beginning of the month, and in late February Sally Mabelle of Taupo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship led our Zoom service on the theme 'Breathing the Spirit of Life - what does it mean and why does it matter? For many people today, the concept of GOD doesn’t speak to us, and something tangible like ‘BREATH’ is more relatable and can be a practical embodiment of 'the Spirit of Life.' We greatly appreciate everyone who has contributed to our services. On April 1, it will be our congregations 29th birthday, and we gratefully appreciate those who were there at the beginning and who are still part of our congregation today!! Happy Birthday on April Fools Day!! |
If you would like to receive the ANZUUA newsletter directly please subscribe in the box above. If you know Unitarians or Unitarian Universalists, or others who are interested in our faith and principles, please share this newsletter and invite them to subscribe. You can unsubscribe at any time with the link at the end of each email! |