My name is T.J. Hendrix and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for wanting to know more about "The Pack," the first book in a series of Tales of the Lost Forest.
You might be wondering when you can read it. There's some exciting news about that coming soon. The answer for now is MAYBE by Christmas and definitely by summer 2021.
In the meantime I thought I'd let you all be the first to see the rough draft cover for "The Pack!"
Since you can't read it yet, I do have some suggestions for what to read right now if you're a middle schooler, about to be middle-schooler, know a middle schooler, or have ever been a middle schooler...
Check out my MG Book List board on Pinterest.
The board is full of covers of middle grade and young adult books I've read, and others I want to read. They contain no sex, drugs and mostly no rock and roll. I like my books with a touch of magic and mystery, and that's what you'll find recommended there. They all offer a safe escape from this weird year: 2020.
Feel free to email me at my publicity office and tell me what your favorite middle grade and young adult books are! I just may add them to the board. If you read a book on my board and you don't like it, let me know too!
And if you forward this email on to friends and family looking for good books for middle graders, I will thank you from the very deepest bottom of my heart.
Anyone can join "The Pack" mailing list on the Lost Forest website anytime. (No one there will share your email or follow you home. I promise.)
- T.J. Hendrix