We are back , Covid Free and ready for action!
An upcoming Merry Xmas to all our club members and their families.
I do hope every one has a wonderful Xmas holiday and will be able to get out and wet a line .
The last few months have been a bit quiet as a club, there hasn't been a lot of fishing to be reported. However a few did get out at different times and picked up a feed of fish and crabs.
It's really good to see a lot of participation at our fund raising events, thanks to everyone who helps out .
As a club we are in a good position to be going out fishing and on camping trips through 2021.
If anybody has any suggestions for our next year's calendar, give us a call or send us an email and we can add it to the calendar.
Don't Forget the Raffles on Friday afternoons at the Tavern!
We have 2 Fridays left before the Xmas break, so come down and win yourself a Ham, find out who's going fishing where? and if there is room in the boat.
We will then be back at the Tavern for the Raffles on 29th January 2021.
New Direction, New Members (it's all happening)
At the moment we are in the process of updating our insurance.
We are looking to have better coverage for when members families join us on club trips or events.
Thanks to Paul and Grant for their ongoing work with this project.
Welcome to our new club members:-
Richard (Dick), Brett, Bruce, Greg, Alan & Leslie.
Richard (Dick), is apparently a master when it comes to fresh water fishing. If his prowess at fishing is anything like his casting abilities, we should be able to learn a lot from him!
Dick won the casting competition at the Club Xmas party, out of 16 casts he managed to get something like 13 into the target area!
Enjoy the fishing Rod & Reel combo that was first prize.
I understand that Alan is a retired professional Line Fisherman, so lets hope he brings some talent to the club also.
We already know that Brett brings some pretty handy kitchen skills.
The others will let us know their skills I am sure.
Welcome again guys.