A Night of Music & Aloha E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center was thrilled to have presented a Holiday Concert on Friday, Dec. 13 featuring award-winning artiste extraordinaire, Kamakakēhau Fernandez, gifted in the art of leo ki`eki`e (falsetto). Kamaka won the 2013 Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award for Extended Play – EP! The evening was filled with holiday cheer, the spirit of aloha, beautiful hula, lively music, and Kamaka’s breath-taking, “good kine chicken skin” voice! Mahalo to all, for celebrating the holidays with us! |
The evening was filled with holiday cheer, the spirit of aloha, beautiful hula, lively music, and Kamaka’s breath-taking, “good kine chicken skin” voice! Mahalo to Kūpono (Uncle Randy and Uncle Alan) for their musical support, to E Ala E alaka`i for sharing lovely hula, to all those who donated raffle items (Aunty René Anderson, Stewart `Ohana, Farias `Ohana, and Aunty Ku`ulei/Aunty Faith), and to Uncle Warren of Aloha Crew. Mahalo piha to all our `ohana who worked so hard to put this event together! And especially to Kamakakēhau Fernandez for giving so freely of his time and talent to share love and aloha with E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center (and to you, too, Randl!)! We’re so happy that you all were able to celebrate the holidays with us! |
Mind.Body.Soul | Hawaiian Style |
Weekend With Hawaiian Tatau (Tattoo) Artist Keone Nunes During the weekend of November 14-15, we were so blessed and honored to have had Master Hawaiian Tatau Artist, Keone Nunes with us here in the D.C. area. “Keone considers himself more of a practitioner than a tattooist. He brought back the art of traditional tattooing to Hawai`i in the 90s, learning from the Samoan kakau (tattoo) master, Sua Suluape Paulo. It’s an art form that doesn’t use machinery, just traditional hand-made tools – made of whale bone, wood and fibers – to tap natural ink into the skin.” EHCC members and friends had the honor and privilege of meeting Kumu Keone and receiving a tatau from him. Per Kumu, “When you receive a tattoo, you not only change physically, but oftentimes, there is a deeper change within you. It should be taken for its root value, getting back to the basics of who we are as a people.” Here are some of the designs from Master Keone Nunes: |
Tatau Master Kumu Keone Nunes sharing his knowledge with EHCC Alaka'i Kona Stewart |
EHCC Member, Moana McAdams |
EHCC member, Mehrzad Van Gieson |
Tatau Master Kumu Keone Nunes and EHCC member Pono Farias sharing some aloha |
Kumu Keone Nunes plans to return to D.C. in February 2020! Stay tuned! |
HAWAIIAN CULTURAL PROGRAM FOR KEIKI (children) For 2020, we’re starting a Keiki Program comprised of family/child interactive Hawaiian cultural classes for children ages three to five. Our “Indigenous Vibrancy” theme will have parents participating with their keiki in a fun and culturally enriching first learning experience. Our age-appropriate curriculum will showcase basic Hawaiian language, child-friendly lessons on the care and appreciation for land and ocean, ancestral stories, and hula. What are the goals of the Keiki Program? - Learn with your child(ren) about Hawaiian culture in a fun environment.
- Help develop your child(ren)’s love for learning through Hawaiian language, art, stories, and hula.
- Introduce the “spirit of aloha” by living aloha and practicing Hawaiian values.
When does this program start? January 25, 2020 (Saturday) and runs every week for six weeks. For details and to register - EHCC Keiki Program |
Save the Dates EHCC Jan 1 (Wed): 2020 Renew Membership or Join Now! E KOMO MAI Jan 25 (Sat): Keiki program begins Keiki Program Schedule Jan 25 (Sat): Keiki Program begins 9am - 9:45am Crystal City, VA Feb 1 (Sat): Class 9am - 9:45pm Crystal City, VA Feb 8 (Sat): Class 9am - 9:45pm Crystal City, VA Feb 15 (Sat): Class 9am - 9:45pm Crystal City, VA Feb 22 (Sat): Class 9am - 9:45pm Crystal City, VA Feb 29 (Sat): Class 9am - 9:45pm Crystal City, VA Community Connections Jan 8-10: `A`ua `Ia - Holding On at the Theater for the New City (Johnson Theater) in NYC Feb 13 (Mon): Jake Shimabukuro in concert at The Music Center (Strathmore) in North Bethesda, MD at 7:30PM March 20-21: Gaithersburg Ukefest Hula Seminar |
Mahalo Aloha kākou! We’re so happy to welcome new members to the E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center `ohana (family)! We have a fantastic year of activities planned and hope to see you at our next event! If you have activity ideas you’d like to share, please email Aunty Ku`ulei at kuulei@ealaehcc.org. A hui hou (See you soon!) Mahalo! |
Become A Member - Discounted events/workshop prices - Priority event and workshop registration - Priority seating: Special Events - Limited Edition Poster - E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center decal - Quarterly E Ala E | RISE! Newsletter | | |
Through the eyes of ancestors Ever wonder what the meaning is behind the kiʻi on Hōkūleʻa? Master carver Sam Kaʻai shares this story with you. | | |
Amazon Smile As part of our fundraising strategy, E Ala E Hawaiian Cultural Center has joined the Amazon Associates program. EHCC receives a small percentage of every purchase made when this special link is used: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/82-3691158 | | |
Interested in sharing something in our Newsletter? How about a special event or announcement? Please send an email to: Marilyn@ealaehcc.org |