November Events
November 13, 2020
Dear friends,
Exactly eight months ago today, my family's schools and offices closed because of COVID. The venue where I hosted in-person death cafes closed. Most everything transitioned to an online platform, which was wonderful and exhausting.
My day-to-day life has felt excruciatingly repetitive, yet my life and my family's life has changed so much.
There have been moments where I have felt lost at sea, in an ocean of grief and sadness. There's no boat. No lifejacket. It's just me, swimming along, trying to stay afloat while looking for signs of land.
I've found buoys along the way. Fun text exchanges with friends. Adopting two kittens over the summer. Hamilton on Disney+. Lots of family birthdays. Escaping into a good book. Plenty of time outdoors. A new season of The Great British Baking Show. The warmth and kindness of the death positive and death cafe community. All these things have kept me afloat.
What's kept you afloat? I hope you've found your own buoys along the way, and that Death Positive DC can be a point of community and connection for you. We have many events this month...perhaps I will see you at one of them!
November Events with Death Positive DC
- Stitch 'N Bitch on 11/15. Registration/details here.
- Legacy Workshop with Robert Hoffman on 11/19. Registration/details here.
- How to Start a Death Cafe in Your Community on 11/20. Registration/details here.
- Gratitude & Remembrance: A Holiday Vigil to Honor Our Loved Ones (for the BIPOC community), hosted by DC-area death doulas Mina Devadas (of IKIRU) and Valoria Walker (of Doula by Destiny) on 11/28. Registration/details here.
- Save the date! A death cafe (I'll be co-hosting with Jamie Arthurs) on 12/9 through the Arlington Library. The library registration link is coming soon. Keep checking my website or social media for details.
Other Events
The regular ups and downs of life (especially the downs) continue to be compounded by the pandemic. I encourage you to seek whatever support you need during this difficult time. Please email me if you have any questions or if you want to connect.
Sarah Farr
Founder & Director, Death Positive DC
Facebook & Instagram & Twitter
Promoting conversations about death and connecting people around this topic
through social media and in-person events in the DC-area since 2017.