Over the past three weeks, we had Alan and Will from Now Now Media shadowing us. They are working on a full documentary about OCN and the underlying issue of plastic pollution in our ocean. Besides sharing our passion for animals and conservation, they also became part of the OCN family and we are very much looking forward to their work. We do not know yet on which platform the documentary will be visible, but it will be accessible to everybody. We are hoping to reach an even broader audience and hopefully contribute to a change in attitude.
Will and Alan were our good luck charms during rescues - we found and rescued seals from impossible situations, including the very difficult and emotional "Dead And Alive Seal Rescue" from last week. We have not shared updates on social media yet - but we regularly see the surviving seal at Pelican Point, and she seems to be doing very well.
Namibia is experiencing the third wave of the Corona pandemic in full force, and we are currently not able to do local outreach projects. We will continue to rely on social media to spread our message: stop plastic pollution.
If you have access to German TV - OCN's seal rescues will be featured in the Saturday episode today at 19h05. We will only get a copy next week - so please let us know if you liked it!
Naude & Katja and the OCN Team