Our Biweekly Newsletter - 1 March 2019 |
Typically the month of March roars in like a lion with cold winds and snow, and goes out like a lamb with soft gentle breezes and warmer temperatures. This year, as we enter the first couple of weeks in March, the lion is roaring. The cold wind and chilly temperatures remind us that winter is still here. However, the days are getting longer, and western New Yorkers know how to deal with a stubborn winter when we put our minds to it. One way to deal with "old man winter" is to create something for spring. Visit us at SewGreen@Rochester to open your creative spirit. Take a different path around the shop and gain a new perspective on all the wonderful items we have to offer. We have lots of premium quilting fabric, and a large variety of home decorator fabric. Maybe it's time to make new cushions for those porch chairs, a picnic blanket, or a set of hand made cloth napkins. Easter is in April, a new lining for your old easter baskets might be a fun family activity. Springtime at the public market will be here before we know it. You can use some Home Dec fabric to sew a nice lining for your market basket so your veggies and other market goodies stay put. Let's enjoy the month of March and create, sustain, and enjoy the company of our friends and family. We look forward to seeing you in the shop! Visit our website at sewgreenrochester.org for more detailed information on classes, happenings at the shop, and of course, more pictures. In this newsletter you will find: |
- A few notes from our Annual Meeting
- March 6 --> Ash Wednesday, Ashes and Healing Prayer
- Two Summer Internship opportunities
- Information on Premium Quilting Fabric
- What our community of sewists, knitters and crocheters have been doing
- A preview of upcoming classes in late March
More than 20 community members braved the weather to attend our Annual Meeting on Sunday February 24th. Laura Allen-Pannell was elected as the new President of the Board of Directors replacing Georgia Carney who will step away from the Board but continue in her work as shop director. Goals for the Shop in the coming year: focusing on creativity and outreach into the community. The full annual report is on our website at sewgreenrochester.org |
On Ash Wednesday at SewGreen, Pastor Sandy Cordingley and Deacon Georgia Carney will be available to offer ashes and healing prayer to anyone who would find this a helpful way to begin their 40 day journey of Lent. This will be offered on Wednesday, March 6th from 11 am until 4 pm at the shop. |
Summer Internships at SewGreen |
Are you looking for ways to invest in your community? If so, you might be interested working at SewGreen@Rochester. We are offering the opportunity for two paid summer internships. The internship at SewGreen will help you to gain experience in retail, cash register operation, window and store displays, customer service and more. You will participate in Fashion Camp and design a community project. Minimum Requirements: You must be at least 15 years old and be able to work 20 hours per week, including some Saturdays. This is an 8-week internship beginning on July 8th, 2019. Stop into the store for an application, or send an interest letter and resumé to info@sewgreenrochester.org |
SewGreen has a nice collection of premium quilting fabrics and you can purchase them at prices far less than what you would pay for low quality fabrics. We have fat quarters, fat eights, and 10 inch squares. We also have one yard cuts, and larger cuts of these wonderful premium fabrics in the cottons sections of the shop. |
Premium quilting fabric is softer to the feel, more durable, and often has more detail in the printed pattern than other, "chain store" cotton fabric used for quilting. Premium quilting fabric typically has a thread count of at least 68 x 68. This means that one square inch of fabric is created using 68 threads in the length (warp) and 68 threads in the width (weft), for a total thread count of 136 threads per square inch of fabric. Less expensive cottons will have a lower thread count, and will wear faster and not be as soft to the touch. |
A lower thread count leaves the fabric vulnerable to shrinkage and unable to handle the process of printing. Often inexpensive fabric is dyed with inexpensive dyes and the colors will bleed when washed. Premium quilting fabric can handle a more complex process of printing and finishing, thus making it durable, colorful, and more enjoyable to work with as you quilt. |
Premium fabrics cost more, and they are typically sold at specialty shops or online. The patterns are unique as fabric designers carefully create the artwork for the engravings used in the printing process, unlike the mass produced designs of less expensive fabric. |
Family Sewing on Saturday Mornings |
Sewing 101 - neck pillows |
March Classes coming up Soon |
Finger knitting demo and instruction with Laura Saturday March 9 and April 6, from 11am-1pm. |
Make do and Mend Tuesday March 11th 11:00AM - 1:00PM and 2:00PM - 4:00PM Got a worn-out zipper? A hole in your favorite jeans? A missing button? A ripped seam? Bring them in and we'll teach you how to fix all of these and more. All by yourself! Come learn basic mending skills with us! |
Quilt Block of the Month March 2nd 2:00 - 4:00PM In the March class you will learn how to create that "half square triangle" in a couple of different methods. Of course, measuring and cutting fabric will be reviewed. You will also be given the instructions to complete a block that uses the half square triangle (HST). |
Make an Apron with Josefina Thursday March 14th Thursday March 21st Thursday March 28th 4:00pm - 6:00pm Simple, elaborate, plain or fancy -- aprons are fun and easy to make. You’ll start with the basics and learn how to design, piece, and add trim, and create as complicated an apron as you like. Finish something fun while learning lots of new sewing skills! |
A complete list of March and April Classes is on our Calendar, click the Calendar button below |
Remember... Every Saturday is Scrappy Saturday! Our small scrappy bags stuffed with scraps and rolls of fabric and/or unmarked balls of yarn are only $1 all day (regularly $3 on weekdays). Bring your own grocery-sized tote and stuff it full for only $5 (regularly $10). Stop by and fill a bag with scrappy treasures this Saturday, and every Saturday! |
SEND US YOUR PHOTOS We'd love to see what you've been working on and what you're making with supplies from our shop. Please share a photo or two with us. Email photos with a brief description to: sewgreenrochester@gmail.com You might see your project in our next newsletter! |
Thank you for your generous donations! We accept donation deliveries on the following days and times: Tuesdays 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fridays 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. |
Unless otherwise noted, our two-hour classes are $10. Sign up for our classes in advance, call 585-328-2642 or email info@sewgreenrochester.org to register. ----------- Scholarships are always available for each of our classes! |
Sever Weather Alert! Some winter days in the Rochester area are just too dangerous for driving. Please watch our Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter accounts for announcements of shop closures. When in doubt? Please, choose to be safe! Thanks! |
Unless otherwise noted above, our shop is open Mon-Thurs, 11 a.m - 6 p.m. & Fri-Sat, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. |