To the parties involved, the league, fans of the ELF and American Football in Europe,
Due to various posts on social media and for first-hand information, we hereby provide an official statement regarding the establishment and commencement of work of the European League of Football Players Association (ELFPA).
In the ranks of the players, the desire has grown for some time for a unified voice on their part to facilitate or promote cooperation between the players, teams, and the ELF, following the example of the players' associations in the United States.
After the conclusion of the league's first, successful season, the ELFPA was founded at the end of last September with headquarters in Switzerland.
Under the motto "Support. Protect. Empower.", the players' association's main purpose is to promote all players of the ELF and to bring their interests into the further development of the league, as well as to promote, improve and maintain the relations and the exchange between the different players in the league. The ELFPA is intended to be an information and exchange platform for the players of the ELF in order to ensure a promising cooperation with the league and the teams and to offer support in the development of an optimal environment for the players as well as the teams and the league. The association is completely controlled by the players and the decisions of the players association are made by players for players.
The ELFPA sees itself as a comprehensive institution for the players of the league, which takes care of their interests in the league and can also be concerned about solutions in case of problems and disputes of any kind.
The establishment of the players' association is in no way to be understood as an attack or the like on the league. On the contrary, it is a great concern of the association to start a goal-oriented and professional cooperation, which is why it was informed about the establishment of the association and why talks with the league are being sought. All in all, the players' association was founded with the intention of making the league even better and to play a supporting role in its development, taking into account the players' interests, so that professionalization can continue to progress.
In terms of the development of American Football in Europe at the highest level, it will be the task of the players' association to work out the interests of the players, to discuss these with the league and the players involved, and to implement them in the best possible way.
Due to the ongoing establishment of contacts with involved and responsible persons as well as the ongoing development and expansion of the players' association, further information will follow at a later date. The players' association will accordingly strive to provide ongoing information.
We thank all involved, the league and fans of the ELF and American Football in general in advance for their unbiased perception and appreciation of the ELFPA and look forward to a beneficial future for the sport.