ALICE NEEL: People Come First
Visit the Met Museums online exhibition and find out about the fascinating life and work of the American artist and portrait painter Alice Neel, "one of the century’s most radical painters, a champion of social justice whose longstanding commitment to humanist principles inspired her life as well as her art."
MET Museum
When Covid-19 came to our shores, we all battled the same storm. But we were not in the same boat.
Amina MWRC has worked with Muslim, Black and minority ethnic (BME) women in Scotland for more than two decades. When the Covid-19 pandemic progressed through the country, women came to them harbouring hidden wounds. Wounds that disrupted once-in-a-lifetime rituals, fracturing already challenging day to day lives.
The women spoke on a range of issues, from engaging with Black Lives Matter movement and extended family relationships, to coercive control - all of this exacerbated by the unending isolation brought on by the pandemic. Amina MWRC witnessed the impact the pandemic was having on their resilience as homemakers, mothers, wives, sisters and on their strength as women; imprinting an indelible mark on their psyche.
Life in the Time is an urgent call to action to address the lack of support for marginalised and socially excluded women. Over one hundred Muslim, BME women came together in early 2021 to connect, reflect and create, a series of culturally responsive and mindfully curated online sessions.
A reflection on the past, an acknowledgement of our present and a message for the future: when all this is over, and forgotten. A message to generations to come and the future selves of the women who created this work.
“We were not voiceless, it’s just no one was listening.”
A podcast from Welford Wellbeing
" (TIWIK) is a love letter to my younger self. A conversation about all the things we were told not to talk about. A sharing of knowledge, emotions and laughs. A potential handbook (or the audio equivalent) on how to master your mental health and fall back in love with yourself! Nothing is off limits. We talk about everything from dating, suicide and mental health through to make up, skin care, magic and spirituality. It's all the things I wish I'd known when I was younger. Brought to you by Rachael founder of "