『Free Pfizer, Moderna & Johnson Johnson Vaccines in Chinatown Los Angeles』
CSC has partnered with over 30 different organizations* by providing over 19,000 on-site free COVID-19 vaccines with our mobile clinic from Chinatown Los Angeles to San Gabriel Valley districts with the goal to reach as many communities as possible. Last week, CSC has partnered with Team Rubicon to help many veterans to get vaccinated in Chinatown. Our staff is available on-site to assist with registration as well as translators.
"Chinatown had one of the lowest rates of vaccination and Team Rubicon has been exceptional at helping us doing a lot of logistical issues - with traffic control and social distancing," said Jack Cheng, Operations at Chinatown Service Center Chief Operations Officer.
*Big thanks to all your assistance & support to keep our communities safe and healthy during a pandemic:
Clinica Romero, City of LA, Senator María Elena Durazo, Supervisor Hilda Solis, City of Monterey Park, City of Alhambra, KCAL Insurance, Hsi Lai Temple, Epiphany Church, Cathay Manor Senior Housing, Well and Fit Adult Day Health Care Center, Huntington Library, Bliss & Wisdom Los Angeles, Team Rubicon, the CORE, City of El Monte, City of Downey, Wong Tai Sen Taoism Center, Mandarin Baptist Church, American Legion.
We continue to serve and help more people to get vaccinated in need !
『華埠服務中心每週5天免費提供新冠疫苗 (輝瑞/ 莫德納/ 嬌生) 接種』
華埠服務中心醫療團隊一直與三十多個*社區組織,政府機構和志願者們不懈地合作,與許多社區組織持續合作, 為當地社區成員提供了超過 19,000+ 劑COVID-19新冠疫苗!
非常感謝以下團體通力合作, 為我們社區帶來健康和安全的生活環境: Clinica Romero,洛杉磯市,參議員 María Elena Durazo,洛杉磯縣政委員會主席蘇麗絲(Hilda Solis),蒙特雷公園市,阿罕布拉市,華興保險,西來寺,羅省國泰老人大廈,嘉華永康中心,亨廷頓圖書館,洛杉磯福智基金會,Team Rubicon, the CORE, 愛滿地市,唐尼市,蒙市黃大仙, 洛杉磯國語浸信會, 美國退伍軍團協會。