Health is the best gift of life. It is also the best gift you can share with your loved ones: being in the pink of health beats any other wealth one can have. In a world full of greys and uncertainties, we so often neglect the simple essential to rest and just perhaps, activate the sense of smell to detect the fragrance of life.
Today, we want to encourage you to carve out time in the final quarter of 2024, to reflect and rethink the course of life. At the same time, to wear a different pair of lenses to see the world that we don't get to see everyday: The underprivileged who struggle to have even the most basic medical care.
Is there something that you can do for this community?
That, brought AIM, CARVE Pilates and HNF to host 26 Nov evening.
AIM was founded to harness the deep human potential, and create social impact. CARVE Pilates was founded to unlock our body's potential. Home Nursing Foundation's purpose is to empower underprivileged patients to live with joy through quality care and all-round support.
The connect: we are all about restoring dignity for humankind. Join us for a good cause and see the power of your donations restore confidence and well-being for the homebound patients.
We look forward to catching up with you on
26 Nov 2024 (Tue), 6:30pm to 9pm.