Ascension Sunday
Commentary, John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 | Joseph Cunningham
A few months ago, my son Stanley hurt his foot. The kids were playing, as they normally do, but in the process, something fell on the top of Stanley’s foot, just above his toes. We didn’t see exactly what happened, but the symptoms were obvious. He didn’t want to put any weight on it, and when he did, he would start to cry in pain; he just wanted to lay in my lap, which is completely unlike him.
Commentary, Acts 2:1-21 | Chris Nafis
This day and this text are so thoroughly steeped in reference, allusion, and significance that there is no way to cover it all coherently in a single sermon (or in a short commentary like this one). Peter himself quotes directly from Joel 2, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110 in this passage, although the Psalms are quoted after the lectionary reading ends.
Commentary, Romans 8:22-27 | Jonathan Burkey
It is easy to overlook the nuances of things that we assume to have figured out. Having been read and gleaned just as much as any biblical text in the modern era, Romans chapter eight is no exception to this rule. Romans 8:22-27 is a passage of scripture that has serviced the ends of a multiplicity of theologies in our time.
Commentary, Psalm 104:24-34, 35b | Jay Akkerman
As a young pastor, I once learned a helpful model for leading my small congregation in weekly prayer. It is often called the ACTS prayer, named after the acronym formed from the first letters of the four movements reflected within it: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
Grace and Peace,
Your A Plain Account Team