Our Biweekly Newsletter - 10 January 2018 Check out what we've been up to so far this month & what's coming up next! |
Thank you for visiting the shop and for bringing along your friends! |
We hope you all had a safe and happy holiday! We've had so many supportive and generous people come through the store, whether it was just to spend some time in the store to chat and do a little shopping, or to offer services to help things run smoothly, or to organize all of our inventory, which is a never ending task. All of your interest and help with our shop is greatly appreciated! |
Without our volunteers, we would certainly be in a big mess at our shop. Thanks again to all who help make our store sparkle! The drapery section was in need of great help. Deb stepped in and has done a wonderful job! |
Mother and daughter visiting from Taiwan, posing with Joanna for a quick picture to remember their trip to Rochester. They ended up spending most of the day at the shop and said that this was their favourite part of their trip! |
Walt Bankes and his wife Nan came to our store on Arnett early on and Walt, who had just gotten a sharpening tool, volunteered to sharpen all of our scissors. He has done this faithfully as needed at no charge. Thank you so much Walt! |
Marian Carney made these beautiful shawls, which are currently on display in our store. The rainbow coloured one is made with circular needles, and is a complete circle shape. The orange and black variegated shawl has stunning triangular shapes along the edge. We may have patterns for these gorgeous pieces so keep an eye out! |
We feel quite lucky to have such a great space for sewing. Coming up we have Sewing Machine 101/201, where you can learn the basics or build your skills! And with our Open Sewing Opportunities, you can enjoy the space and use our equipment to practice or finish your projects. For class dates and times, scroll to the bottom of this page to see our Upcoming Classes and Events or check our website under the classes tab or better yet, stop in to say hi and pick up a calendar in person! |
We now have a place for pictures on our website! There are a lot of images to share and we can't always fit them in for our newsletters or social media so we now have a Photos tab on our site. Have a look at photos from our store, and from classes, clubs, and events. |
Notice! Some winter days in the Rochester area are just too dangerous for driving. Please watch our Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter accounts for announcements of shop closures. When in doubt? Please, choose to be safe! Thanks! |
Upcoming Classes & Events |
Flannel Lounge/PJ Pants Get cozy and warm with flannel this season! We’ll show you how to make a pair of high quality pj/lounge pants. The flannel is included in the price of class. Part 1 offered Saturday, January 13, 2 to 4:00 p.m. Part 2 offered Saturday, January 20, 2 to 4:00 p.m. Create with Josefina Love working with Josefina? So do we. Come and create something with her! Offered every Thursday in January, 4 to 6 p.m. Bring your ideas, join your creativity with hers, and make something new! Felt and Button Jewelry with Joanna Why not have those buttons you've been collecting on display in a pretty piece of handmade jewelry?! Learn how to design and make your own unique necklace or bracelet using felt and buttons. You can use our supplies from Scrappy Land or bring your own. Offered Monday, January 15 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Make Do & Mend Got a worn out zipper? A hole in your favorite jeans? A missing button? A ripped seam? We can teach you to fix all of these and more. All by yourself! Come learn basic mending skills with us! Offered Tuesday, January 16 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. |
Hairpin Lace Jewelry with Joanna Learn how to use the hairpin lace loom to make jewelry with Joanna! This was said to be invented in the 16th century by Catherine of Aragon. You’ll see how to use yarn or crochet cotton along with beads and buttons to make necklaces and bracelets. Offered Mon, January 22 and 29 from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Working with Paper Patterns You've bought a sewing pattern, and opened the package. What's with all the tissue paper inside? We can teach you what to do with your pattern materials, and how to adjust it to fit you just right. Offered Tuesday, January 30, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 4 to 6 p.m. Sewing Machine 101/201 Make friends with a sewing machine in our shop, or bring yours from home. In Sewing Machine 101, we'll take you through the basics of machine operation and safety, and guide you toward sewing a project. In Sewing Machine 201, build on the skills you've gained in Sewing Machine 101. Is there a sewing project that interests you, or that you want to complete? How can your newly-gained sewing machine skills help you achieve that goal? This is the place and time to learn!These classes are great for ages 10 & up (or younger with an adult present). Prerequisite: Sewing Machine 101 Offered Tuesday, January 23 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. |
Unless otherwise noted, our two-hour classes are $10 each. Sign up for our classes in advance by calling 585-328-2642 or emailing info@sewgreenrochester.org. ----------- Scholarships are always available for each of our classes! |
Our back room is overflowing with your generous donations. Thank you! However, until we have the chaos organized, we are limiting donations deliveries to Tuesdays 2 to 6 p.m., Fridays 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Saturdays 1 to 3 p.m. Thanks for your patience and understanding. |
Remember... Every Saturday is Scrappy Saturday! Our small scrappy bags stuffed with scraps and rolls of fabric and/or unmarked balls of yarn are only $1 all day (regularly $3 on weekdays). Bring your own grocery-sized tote and stuff it full for only $5 (regularly $10). Stop by and fill a bag this Saturday, and every Saturday! |
Unless otherwise noted above, our shop is open Mon - Fri, 11 a.m - 6 p.m. and Sat, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. |