Hey 👋 - Swapratim here.
Happy Saturday morning to 312 motivated XR enthusiasts.
Here's one short tip on how to grow your audience and online business.
Today's issue takes about 4 minutes to read.
Enjoy 👇
Today I'm going to walk you through how to earn $10,000 a month by selling WebAR services as a side hustle before you even start building it.
The reason preselling is very important because it helps validate that people actually want what you’re building.
I have sold $5M+ product and services in pre-sales to world's few biggest companies including House of Parliament UK, Royal family of Netherlands, Denmark's biggest telecom company, Spotify and many other international conglomerates to C-level directors while working.
If you already work in sales or presales, then following these 3 simple steps is even easier for you to earn $10,000 or more as a side hustle.
# Step 1:
Use LinkedIn to search for creative directors working in advertising and marketing fileds and target the high quality leads.
Innovative advertisement campaign cost for a standard company can easily go up to $30,000 or more.
You can presell your idea to launch a WebAR campaign under $15,000 - $20,000 with an open rate of approximately 60%-70% and user engagement rate of >60%.
# Step 2:
Once the caompaign idea is finaized, now it is time to build the 3D experience.
Find 3D artists with high quality & low budget from Sketchfab, Upwork, Fiverr etc.
Pay the 3D artists from the advance payment you have received from the client.
# Step 3:
Once the 3D model (static or animated) is finished, now it is time to create the WebAR campaign.
Create a WebAR campaign in any WebAR platform. Mostly it takes few minutes.
Use Marvin XR platform if you are a beginner. Our team will help you to customize WebAR experience from start to finish.
If you need web view customization, like adding buttons, logo or different color theme for the landing page - you can also hire freealncer web designer for that.
It is posible to deliver such WebAR campaign within 2 weeks once the campaign idea is finalized. Easy, flexible and smart way of deliver things.
For a moderately complex WebAR campaign, you can limit your development expenses with freelancers within $5000-$8,000.
But you have won the campign cost of $15,000 - $20,000.
This means making one sale a month can give you a profit margin of $10,000 without investing anything as such.
That's all for this Saturday. 1 simple online business tip.
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See you again next week.