Fr Gareth writes...
The the most important three days in the churches year are about to begin; the Sacred Triduum of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day. These days commemorate the last days of Jesus as he celebrates the Last Supper with his friends before going to his death on the Cross, resting in the grave, and rising to new life on Easter Day.
This year, because of our current circumstances, the liturgical celebrations are necessarily somewhat different, but nonetheless our participation in them is a fundamental part of our journey with Christ. The church building may be closed, but the Church is still called to gather for worship.
Variations of the principal liturgies will be celebrated on each day of the Triduum and the details for all these services are below. They will be live streamed on Facebook and I encourage all who are able, to participate as fully as possible at the relevant time so that we are all together as a church family in prayer and praise.
As we journey together over these next days, let us remember all God's blessings of the past, his faithfulness to us in our present displacement, and his promise of new life to come.
With love and prayers,
Fr Gareth