Greetings all, We hope you are all doing well and have gotten some rest and hibernation this winter. Heading into Spring now and as the butterflies and flowers are waking up we hope you are renewed in energy with a pep in your step! |
We at WCSS have been hard at work attending conferences, courses and workshops, and working step by step towards our goal of opening our doors in September of this year! Although you may not always see us or hear of what we are doing we are always buzzing and chipping away at the work that must be done in opening up a new school and business. |
A date to put in your diary is Saturday, the 29th of February from 3-5 pm at the Christian Fellowship Hall in Bantry behind the Cinema; we will be having an info meeting with our guest and new trustee, Mark Lucey. We are fortunate to have him on our team on will introduce him properly in one of our next mailouts, so keep your eyes open! The topic for this information meeting will be about: ‘Life after Sudbury, pursuing college or careers without attending traditional schools.’ |
Another date to note is the 15th of February for our Clothes Swap in aid of start-up funds for WCSS. It will be from 2-5 pm and will be held at one of our founder’s houses in the Mealagh Valley. Post Code will be included at the end of the letter. |
We will also make our presence at Tree Fest at the Manch Estate serving teas, coffees, cakes and soup. Please come as this is a worthwhile festival with workshops and talks for the whole family. |
C A R D S Artwork by Becky Firmage |
We are grateful to our most talented resident artist Becky Firmage, who is kindly donating all proceeds of her beautiful C A R D S to WCSS! These are three samples, but if you head over to Organico, you will find the whole stunning collection! A L L proceeds go to WCSS. |
Last but not least! We are very excited to announce the beginning of our brand new B L O G ! Please, check it out on our website and get a more intimate view of our journey(s) in opening up the school. |
Thank you for taking the time to read and please don’t hesitate to get hold of us through fb, email or on our website if you have any questions. And follow us on Twitter! |
Best wishes to you all. Sincerely, The WCSS Team #DemocraticEducation #DemEd #SelfdirectedEducation #SDE |
Date: Saturday, 15th February Event: Clothes Swap and cake sale Time: 2pm - 5pm Location: The Old Creamery, Mealagh Valley, Bantry P75 TW40 !! Please bring clothes and things others might find valuable !! If you would like to donate some baking we would be gracious. Please label the ingredients on your amazing cakes for our friends with allergies and sensitivities. |
Date: Saturday, 29th February Event: Info meeting with Mark Lucey and WCSS Time: 3pm - 5pm Location: Christian Fellowship Church behind Cinema |
Date: Saturday, 7th - 8th March Event: Tree Fest 2020 Time: 9am – 6pm Location: The Manch Project, Green Economy Foundation, Manch East Put on by Pheonix Events |
‘’After last year's successful inaugural event, we are happy to present TREE FEST 2020!! We've joined with The Manch Project to co-host this fun and family-friendly event in their beautiful woodland setting. We plan to continue with last years format of talks, displays, kids activities, crafts, film and, of course, tree-planting. But, we will also be adding an extensive programme of hands-on workshops. To be held in the woods themselves and the walled garden,these will include woodland and orchard management and craft themes. Keep in touch, as we will be releasing details and anticipate a lot of interest. Watch this space, and as ever, please like and share this event! Hope to see you in the woods!!’’ |
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