Introduction from the coordinator
Carlos Heydorn Concepcion, TORRECID, CoFBAT Coordinator
Dear Colleagues,
The CoFBAT project has reached its 18 month. Based on work already carried out, CoFBAT enters into the 3rd step of development: starting activities dealing with upscaling and validation. In the last months we have been active not only in technical work but we also disseminated our work in different events like the INEA event H2020 “Low TRL Smart Grids and Storage Projects” organized by INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency of the European Union) and the first webinar on Advanced Materials of the CoFBAT project, held on 10th of March.
Technically deeper understanding on materials performance in coin cells have been gathered gaining understanding on aging phenomena of active materials and their interaction with electrolytes and cell disassembling. The information gathered has been reported in deliverable 5.1: ‘Protocols for cell disassembling methodology and separation of components’ and is of importance for material development, cell upscaling and recycling. The full report can be found on our website<>.
Herewith please enjoy our third issue of CoFBAT newsletter.
It is time now for our 4th newsletter. Right now we are on the middle of our project: in the last 6 months we have been quite active not only in dissemination, but also approaching our technical targets. In November CoFBAT has held its 5th GA meeting, our first face to face event since the kick-off meeting in 2019. CoFBAT has been active also in events like the Energy Storage Global Conference and the battery cluster event held by CINEA. Approaching the midlife of our project we have come up with one of the milestones and decisions, the anode selection.
CoFBAT develops a battery technology putting together active materials free of cobalt for anode and cathode and a safe polymer high voltage electrolyte approaching the solid state concept by in situ gelification. Being at the middle of the project, the collaboration among partners throughout the development chain and involved work packages has resulted in an innovative system based on LMNO cathode, gel polymer and cobalt-free anode. Having achieved similar capacities among developed anodes LMNO-GPE8-TNO has a capacity of 118 mAh/gr whereas LMNO-GEP7-SiG 151 mAh/gr, ciclability seems to be better with Si-G. The innovative doped titanium niobate opens novel market opportunities based on high capacities in traditional electrolytes. Achieved this point now we enter into our WP6 with adaption of material for 21700 cells and development of a scalable sustainable environmental friendly process chain with gellifiable binder electrode and GPE.
CoFBAT achievements are the result of research and innovation along the added value chain.
How did we arrive to this moment ?