We are very proud of Qida's accomplishments!
Qida Peng has been attending CSC Youth Center since he was in 6th grade. Qida received mediocre grades throughout the years, and almost did not meet the qualifications to culminate middle school. By constantly going to CSC everyday after school to receive academic mentoring for 3 consecutive years, Qida's self-esteem flourished and provided him with the confidence that he needed to improve in his academics and culminate middle school.
Culminating middle school is a very important milestone to Qida's family. His family is very happy and proud of him for completing this important milestone of his life. Qida is now in high school and occasionally tutoring youths at CSC youth center with their homework assignments.
Qida Peng從六年級起就一直在參加CSC青年中心。他一向成績平平,幾乎唔符合中學畢業資格。 透過每日課外不斷去CSC接受學術輔導,Qida的自尊心增強,努力提高自己的學術水平。
中學係Qida 家庭的一個重要里程碑。他的家人因為他完成生命中重要的里程碑感到非常開心和自豪。Qida而正就讀高中,偶爾在CSC青年中心輔導低年班學生做家庭作業。