We opened three years ago today! |
We opened our doors on October 2, 2021 — three years ago today! Our first day open was a blur of energy and chaos. We were completely exhausted, having managed setbacks to the shop and our roasting operation that *almost* threatened our timely opening. But we wouldn’t have it! So, we opened our doors that Saturday, running on fumes and adrenaline, completely naive to the rollercoaster we were about to strap ourselves onto. Opening a business 7 days a week from the onset with not a glimmer of a day off in sight, is, well, daunting. While Maggie had fully shifted to self-employment at this point, Anthony was still working full-time for his architecture firm, traveling down to NYC every week while we were running our business together. After a maskless summer, Covid was rearing its ugly head again, and here we were opening a new spot in a small town while the pandemic was still very much present (we and everyone else had thought things were looking up for good after that summer). All this to say, having made it to three years feels huge to us and we are ridiculously grateful to everyone who made it possible. Our family and friends who encourage us in every sense of the word. Our customers who came in day one and continue to come back, who have become friends, and who have made our little community a special one. Our team of talented, fun, and kind, people who have made work joyful (and who we would not be here without). Our wholesale partners whose trust in us is a vote of confidence to keep doing what we love, and who we’re so proud to work with. How lucky are we?! Thank you, deeply. |
Our coffee is now in one of Malai’s Ice Creams! Find our coffee in the Malai Coffee Cardamom ice cream! This partnership is one close to our hearts and our stomachs. We used to live down the street from Malai’s flagship location in Brooklyn, and their ice creams quickly became our favorite treat! The Coffee Cardamom ice cream combines warm, floral cardamom with the taste and texture of rich and satisfying coffee. We couldn’t be more excited to have our coffee among the ranks of Malai’s epic range of flavors! Photo credit: Morgan Ione Photography and Malai |
Roaster takeover at Drip Coffee Makers! You heard it here first! We’re excited and honored to be doing a roaster takeover at Drip Coffee Makers in NYC on Saturday, October 19! We’ll be showcasing some of our favorite coffees — all from Colombia — on pour over (with one on espresso as well). We’ve been big fans of Drip and what they do since our New York days, and are looking forward to returning to a favorite spot, but this time on the other side of the bar. If you’re in the area, come see us and have a coffee! |
Our new ‘Work in Progress’ tees Our tasing notes have been hard at work putting our logo on the softest tees we could find! Available in dark olive, teal, and yellow, these tees are perfect for layering under a light jacket as the weather cools. Order online or pick one up in the shop! | | | | |
Notes from the Shop Director This section is dedicated to the musings of our wonderful shop director, Kristen! |
As Little Seed starts to sprout into something bigger, we’re dedicating a little corner to share the happenings here at the shop. Having been part of this space for over two years now, it’s been humbling to witness the evolution from a small roasting business into the bustling shop we know today. My love for coffee and community brought me here, and it’s a place that constantly makes me reflect on my own journey—where I’ve been and where I am now at Little Seed. Coffee has always been a passion of mine, not just for the drink itself, but for the connections it fosters. My love for plants and art feels like a natural extension of the atmosphere we’ve cultivated here. Crafting latte art allows me to tap into my creativity, while my devotion to tending to the ever-growing plant collection I continue to foster keeps the space feeling vibrant and welcoming.
The constant I’ve observed as shop director is the dedication that seems to grow within the green walls of our shop. Our regulars keep us grounded, the plants gently welcome those who walk in, and the genuine love for crafting coffee and sharing it with others brings everything together. While roasting ethically sourced beans is what started this journey, the community within the shop is what allows that dream to keep growing. Little Seed will use this space to highlight the beautifully simple but meaningful moments and observations that I, as the shop director, experience in our day-to-day rhythm. Thank you for being part of this. |