DATE - Thursday, 10/29/2020
TIME - 3:00 PM (PST)
TIME: 2:30 PM (PST)
Instructions to join:
1) You will need to "Register" first - click on the below image/ scan the QRC or use the link to the Registration Page. Fill in your information (First Name, Last Name, Email) and click "Register"
2) An email will be sent to you momentarily with the link for you to join on the date of the event.
3) Please join as early as 2:30 PM. The program will start at 3:00 PM.
1)您需要先“登記/註冊”- 點擊附件的鏈接或掃描二維碼(QRC)。 填寫您的信息(姓,名和電郵),點擊“登記/註冊”。
3)請最早於下午2:30進入。 活動將從下午3點開始 請代邀請 您的朋友踴躍参加。 希望在10/29和大家見面!
Please feel free to share this with your family and friends.
Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow virtually!
GALA PROGRAM: Live Raffle & Door Prizes Drawing, Magic Show by Ray Sasaki, Meet with Miss Chinatown Court 2020