Creating Connection November 2020 |
"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship." Brene Brown |
One of the six dimensions of wellness is the social dimension. For us to thrive, we need social interaction and connection with people in our lives. Healthy relationships lead to benefits such as reduced stress, longevity, and greater purpose in life. When you're feeling down or off, make sure connecting with a loved one is in your wellness toolkit. Create opportunities to connect by turning off screens. A phone call or walk with a friend can go a long way-- for both of you! How can you better connect with the people in your life? Healthy Relationships |
A message to my subscribers: First off, thank you for subscribing! Secondly, a quick introduction. My name is Haley and I am a Certified Health and Wellness Coach (CHWC). I love the concept of wellness because it tells the whole story and seeks to find balance and fulfillment. I love being a Wellness Coach because I help people reach their goals and achieve their ideal vision of physical and mental health. I currently live on the road with my husband traveling through the U.S.! I love hiking, cooking, music, painting, and especially coaching. Check out more about me and my services on my website. | | |
Thanks for reading! If there are any topics you'd like to see covered in the newsletter, reply to this email or message me through my website. I'd love to hear from you! Until next time, Coach Haley |