Arrowhead Woods owners against LACSD/AWAC acquisition

“Your voice matters, and it has power, so use it,” State Senator Rosilicia Ocho-Bogh exhorted her audience. And use it they did. When word went out in a local magazine in June 2022 that Senator Ochoa-Bogh had sponsored SB 1405 and listed her phone number along, along with that of her aide Sid Sonck, their phones “blew up,” Senator Ochoa-Bogh said.  She listened to every message and returned every phone call while her husband drove on the 6 ½ hour drive from Sacramento to their home in Yucaipa. She returned each phone call. Although she had blocked out the weekend of June 10-11, 2023 for her family, she decided she must hold a townhall meeting in Lake Arrowhead to air the issue of SB 1405 with her constituents. “A townhall is not political,” she said to the people gathered at Rim High School on June 10, “it is governance.” She represents 28 cities with 1,226,000 constituents and has tried to connect with as many as she can through town hall meetings, but it is challenging to reach them all.