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Last week I was talking about how to focus on a niche domain to increase your chance of selling WebAR as a service. This week I'll explain how can you pitch to your target customers.
Traditional sales gurus teach people on how to make big sales every now and then while making big promises. But I think that's not the most efficient way. During an ideal pitching, you should ask proper questionnaire to analyze the state of the customer. The ideal solution, even if it's less costly but ideal for the customer, should be pitched. This way, you learn trust, better impression, cross mouth reference and a long term relationship with the clients.
Today I'll share few tips about WebAR which could help you to earn the trust of your clients easily and help them navigate through the prospects of how WebAR can help improve their business and increase revenue in the short and long run.
How NOT to waste money while trying to adopt WebAR
Here's 5 reasons you should definitely include in the pitch:
✅ Advanced AR looks good but hard to master
- If the client is consdering to adopt WebAR for the first time, most likely quite complex stories (like Matrix) would come to his mind. But the more complex the user experience becomes, it becomes hard for the end users to discover them all.
✅ Easy usability is a bliss for mass reachability
- WebAR has a very low entry barrier. This brings an opportunity to spread any campaign to a mass audience. Study shows that easy AR campaigns are more popular than the complex ones. It is a major factor in getting the campaign viral.
✅ Complex AR experience can decrease user interaction
- WebAR marketing can easily increase the user engagement time up to 37x. But a complex and hard to navigate AR experience can also put off people's interests. The fine balance to keep them engaged with a wow experience without making them confused is a matter of creative consideration.
✅ AR app of huge size can push people away from downloading them
- Apps are common perceptions to be used for AR adoption. But often they come up with huge size - a repellent for common audience to download and use them. WebAR has a great potential to show up with no baggage as such.
✅ CTA with easy, fun and simple AR experience like WebAR gets most focus
- Consider WebAR as the next gen ads and marketing campaign tool. Only to build a wow experience along with the journey and bring higher conversion with the correct approach to build them.
5 Simple Ways to Fast Track WebAR Adoption for Business
Below is a super simple formula to step in WebAR-world. This will definitely help your ideal customers to understand the journey better:
✅ Find a WebAR platform that resonates the brand culture
✅ Make sure the 3D models are built prior to campaign launch
✅ Buy 3D models or build them by hiring 3D artists (you can supply them too)
✅ Upload the 3D models (static/animated) in AR platform
✅ Publish the campaign - redesign landing page, integrate with websites and social media or print QR codes to engage audience