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CC EAL5+ security certification of customer chips

We manage the entire Common Criteria (CC) EAL5+ PP0117 or similar (e.g., EMVCo or PP V2X HSM) security certification of customer chips integrating our TESIC CC EAL5+ certification-ready cores

Our security experts handle the Common Criteria (CC) EAL5+ PP0084 / PP0117 or similar (e.g., EMVCo or PP V2X HSM) security certification of customer chips integrating our TESIC CC EAL5+ certification-ready cores. This work includes the writing of the CC-compliant documentation, the preparation of the customer chip samples and boards for the evaluation, the support of the ITSEF labs during customer chip evaluation and certification, and the interactions with the national cybersecurity agency to obtain the CC certificate.

Customer chip CC EAL5+ certification

  • Preparation of CC compliant documentation for certification
  • Preparation of customer chip samples and boards for security evaluation
  • Support of ITSEF labs during customer chip evaluation and certification
  • Interactions with national cybersecurity agency for the CC certificate

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Tiempo Secure