Physician Assistants
Under the direction of a doctor, physician assistants offer healthcare services that are generally provided by medical professionals. Physician assistants treat patients, conduct thorough examinations, and offer counseling. Other tasks include making diagnoses and decisions about patient care, interpreting diagnostic test results, and maintaining medical data. Additional requirements include a passion for caring for others through providing emotional, personal, and medical support. This career also requires skills such as critical thinking, oral comprehension, attention to detail and a service-oriented mindset.
Learn more here:
McMaster University – Physician Assistant Education Program
University of Toronto – Bachelor of Science Physician Assistant degree (BScPA)
University of Manitoba – Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)
Respiratory therapists
Respiratory Therapists are healthcare professionals who specialize in the treatment and care of patients with breathing and cardiopulmonary conditions. They work alongside physicians to diagnose and develop treatment plans for patients with conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and respiratory distress. Respiratory Therapists may also provide emergency care such as artificial respiration, external cardiac massage, or assistance with cardiopulmonary resuscitation alongside providing other cardio-respiratory supports. They work in a variety of settings such as emergency/operating rooms, intensive care units, neonatal nurseries, community care facilities, and more.
Learn more here:
Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists
The Michener Institute For Applied Health Sciences – Respiratory Therapy Program
Algonquin College – Respiratory Therapy
Occupational Therapist
Occupational therapists (OTs) are healthcare specialists who assist people of all ages in enhancing their capacity to carry out daily tasks and lead rewarding lives. They assist individuals whose freedom and quality of life are impacted by physical, mental, or developmental difficulties. Their primary responsibilities are to evaluate, arrange, and coordinate rehabilitation programs that support the development or restoration of independent living, homemaking, and daily living skills. This career requires a strong interest in assisting and caring for others and working with other professionals. Several work activities include analyzing patient data through conducting tests to evaluate the patient's physical and mental abilities, maintaining records, and planning/implementing OT programs.
Learn more here:
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
McMaster University – Occupational Therapy Program
University of Toronto – Occupational Therapy Program
Genetic Counselors
They are healthcare professionals who specialize in genetics and provide expert guidance and support to individuals and families facing genetic or hereditary conditions. Their primary responsibilities include risk assessment, coordinating genetic testing, educating about complex genetic information to help patients make informed decisions, and providing counseling. Genetic counselors have strong skills in written and oral comprehension and expression, complex problem-solving, and critical thinking.
Learn more here:
O*NET OnLine – Genetic Counselors
SickKids – Genetic Counselling
Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors