Thank you for your continued interest and support.
This is your Sunday update.
Overview of what's new this week.
NHS meeting to discuss forthcoming paediatric HUBS. We highlighted the need for GP training on Long Covid in children. Webinars are due to fill this gap soon.
Raising awareness of Covid in children: two meetings with documentary makers; BBC Radio Solent (Sammie), BBC South (Hannah), interviews in Germany and Ireland (Fran), and via social media.
Sammie and Nathalie attended the Round Table Ministerial Meeting on Long Covid chaired by Lord Bethnal, Health Minister at the UK Department of Health and Social Care. There is a new study on children and Long Covid commencing shortly. Sadly results are due in three months and will not be representative of Long Covid in children under 11 years old children. This is disappointing when the mean age from both sets of our research is 10 years.
Discussion with two research groups regarding research needs for children with Covid.
ONS remains committed to improving its data collection and reporting in children. This week they announced 1.1 million adults living with Long Covid. Their review included a 12-week figure, in addition to their 5 week figure for children that we will report on.
We have had further discussions with our growing international research team on our second study.
Protecting Children in The Pandemic
Ventilation and monitoring articles have exploded in the past week. See our pack.
UK Junior school fits CO2 monitors after being made aware by Long Covid Kids.
We have set up a fundraiser for C02 monitors for schools. More details next week
We are talking to children with and without Long Covid for their views on masks.
We have had further contact with MPs.
6900 Twitter followers, 2.2 million impressions
2250 children have joined our support group
190 000 reach on Facebook
We continue to answer messages from around the world. Our website reach is up 60% since it was translated into other languages.
Finally, Long Covid isn't going away and neither are we. We are working on setting up our very own LCK charity and have secured the backing of a much-loved writer.
Until we have answers, assessments, treatments, and the same protection for our children that is afforded to adults, we have Long Covid Kids.
If you have any questions please do reach out to our team who will be pleased to assist.
The only way to protect our children from COVID harm is to prevent them gettingCOVID in the first place.
LCK believe that children should not be discriminated against.
Children deserve to be and MUST be entitled to the same safety and mitigatory measures as deemed necessary in the rest of society.
COVID is airborne
Where children are unable to breathe fresh air (objectively measured) LCK agree with the countries listed in our awareness pack:
Masks have their place
Children have stepped up brilliantly. Share #LCKMaskHero
There has never been a campaign to raise awareness of Covid in children. Because the statistics are comparatively lower than in adults,
the thousands and thousands of children affected have been
minimised to the point of being ignored.
The narrative that children are rarely affected by Covid quickly stuck along with the mantra "schools are safe". This has been damaging.
Research has been slow.
Long Covid Kids acknowledges each and every child infected #MoreThanACough. Not all families will know that their children had COVID-19 as at initial infection many children are asymptomatic or atypical and this research has not filtered down to parents/carers and schools.
It must be remembered that regardless of the severity of initial COVID-19 infection, children can experience
One year on Samuel wears slippers at school to combat the fluctuating discomfort of painful feet and toes. His toes have changed colour from almost black to grey. His initial infection was minor but symptoms never went away.
Samuel has missed a lot of school due to symptoms especially gastro ones.
Daily life and future plans must now factor in Samuel's symptoms. We don't know why Samuel got Long Covid. And we don't know when he will get better or if there will be any lasting damage.
Whilst the UK gets vaccinated, children are even more vulnerable.