CSC Newsletter ︳November 2020 |
Let's work together to continue slowing down the spread of COVID-19 by - Wear a face-covering whenever you leave home
- Wash hands throughout the day
- Stay 6 feet away from people who do not live with you
- If you have any sick symptoms, call us: (213) 808-1792 for a free COVID-19 test now!
Chinatown Service Center (CSC) reminds you that please continue to follow the latest recommendation from Public Health Authorities. For any essential social (EDD, Medi-Cal/ Covered CA, Citizenship, Calfresh) and economic community development (small business - PPP, EIPL) services, please call (213) 808-1700. For health services of Medical, Dental and Behavioral Health counseling services, please call clinic hotline at (213) 808-1792 for appointments now! STAY SAFE & HEALTHY & CONNECTED W/ CSC! 讓我們一起努力減緩新冠病毒的傳播: - 外出時請戴上臉罩
- 時刻洗手,保持清潔
- 人與人之間保持6呎社交距離
- 如您有任何不適的症狀,請立即致電華埠醫療中心(213) 808-1792 進行免費新冠測試!
華埠服務中心 照常開放並繼續為您提供所需的社會,醫療,牙科,心理健康等服務! 有關更多營業時間的諮詢,請致電:(213) 808-1700 查詢! 祝大家身體健康! |
Covered California Enrollment Opens (New/ Renew) today till January 31, 2021 "GET COVERED 2021. STAY HEALTHY! GET INSURED!" FREE Enrollment assistance offered at Chinatown Service Center! 由即日起至明年1月31日社會服務部免費協助申請同續簽加州健保! |
| | Learn more about low-income discounted phone programs 協助消費者瞭解加州普濟電話及節扣優惠計劃 | | |
| | Needy families can get $100 for Edison/ Gas bill payment, through CSC? 低收入家庭可獲每年最高100美元的一次性電費或煤氣費補助 | | |
| | Lets Feed LA is a food program to benefit low-income residents who live in Los Angeles County and impacted by COVID-19. CSC helps qualify households to apply for free! 華埠服務中心幫助符合條件的家庭免費申請 Lets Feed LA - 為居住在洛杉磯縣且受到COVID-19影響的低收入居民提供食物援助! | | |
| | Naturalization and Citizenship Free to apply for US citizenship/ Renew green card? Fee waiver if meet income qualification! Text/ Call (213) 766-8988 for appointment! 華埠服務中心免費為您申請公民入籍/ 綠卡續期, 更可為您豁免或減低申請費用, 如需協助或查詢, 請短信/ 致電(213)766-8988 | | |
"Chinatown Service Center conducted two free influenza vaccination drive-by events at Monterey Park and Chinatown Los Angeles in November and benefited over 200 people to get their flu shots for free! 『華埠服務中心於十一月期間舉辦兩場免費流感針接種活動 為二百多名蒙市及唐人街居民接种流感疫苗』 |
Get a Free Tax Prep IRS Training & Certification + Be a Volunteer @CSC Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program 2021. Call us: (213) 808-1757/ 1751 可獲: 免費美國國稅局IRS專業培訓和認證+並成為2021年華埠服務中心免費報稅服務義工隊。感興趣者, 請致電:(213)808-1757 或(213)808-1751查詢 |
FREE Academic Enrichment Program to Youths from 3rd to 9th grades in Fall 2020! Limited-enrollment virtual program & First-Come, First Serve basis, RSVP: (213) 394-5077. 華埠服務中心專為中小學3至9年級的青少年提供免費「提升學術課程」此視訊學習計劃參與人數有限,額滿即止。報名熱線: (213) 394-5077. |
CSC 49th Anniversary Gala Celebration四十九周年視訊籌款及頒獎典禮 |
We thank you to all generous supporters who made our 49th Anniversary Celebration & Virtual Gala another great success! With your charitable funding support, we are able to continue our essential services, in providing more welfare assistance to senior and needy families, academic tutoring to underserved youth, and education for low-to-moderate-income small businesses and individuals to prolong their social and economic empowerment as well as build strong communities during this challenging time! |
"Since 1971, Chinatown Service Center.... provides outstanding services to promote better quality of life and equal opportunity for immigrants and other communities in Southern California. Every year, over 20,000 unduplicated individuals with more than 103,000 annual assistance and encounters, over 96% in the low-to-moderate income range, were assisted through our services." |
Copyright © 2019 Chinatown Service Center (CSC). All rights reserved. Chinatown Service Center is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization (EIN #: 95-2918844) and all donations funds are 100% Tax-Deductible to the full extent of the law. 華埠服務中心是501(c)3的非營利、非政治、非宗教的慈善機構,所有善款均可扣稅。 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter |