“Safer-at-Home” order remains in place! Let's work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 by
- Wear a face covering whenever you leave home
- Wash hands throughout the day
- Stay 6 feet away from people who do not live with you
- If you have any sick symptoms, call us: (213) 808-1792 for a free COVID-19 test now!
Chinatown Service Center (CSC) reminds you that please continue to follow the latest recommendation from Public Health Authorities. For any essential social (EDD, Medi-Cal/ Covered CA, Citizenship, Calfresh) and economic community development (small business - PPP, EIPL) services, please call: (213) 808-1700. For health services of Medical, Dental and Behavioral Health counseling services, please call clinic hotline at (213) 808-1792 for appointments now!
華埠服務中心提醒大家繼續遵循公共衛生當局的: “居家令”。讓我們一起努力減緩新冠病毒的傳播:
- 外出時請戴上臉罩
- 時刻洗手,保持清潔
- 人與人之間保持6呎社交距離
- 如您有任何不適的症狀,請立即致電華埠醫療中心(213) 808-1792 進行免費的新冠測試!
華埠服務中心 照常開放並繼續為您提供所需的社會,醫療,牙科,心理健康等服務!
有關更多營業時間的諮詢,請致電:(213) 808-1700 或
請瀏覽網站 https://www.cscla.org/covid19-bulletin 查詢最新詳情! 祝大家身體健康!