I wanted to start and say how incredibly grateful I am to you every time I get to play with beautiful flowers and bring them to your door. Your support has meant so much to me.
I have loved getting to create arrangements every month with seasonal, local flowers. With that being said, this is not my only job & I have decided to take a break this winter from flowers to refresh and focus. November will be the last month of arrangements for the year. I am going to take December - March as a break. Depending on what type of early spring we get, I plan to resume flowers in April when we will have local spring blooms available again!
All local Monthly subscriptions will receive their arrangements Thursday Nov 10th.
All Bi-Weekly subscriptions will receive their arrangements Thursday Nov 10th & Wednesday Nov 23rd.
All Erie subscriptions will receive their arrangements Wednesday Nov 23rd.
After you have been billed for your November subscription, I will pause your subscription. I will reach out to everyone in March to make sure you still want to activate your subscription again. I understand a lot can happen in a few months, but I hope to see you all back again in the Spring!