We do hope to do a lot more trips.
Australia Day mud crab races.
This is a full on week for club members we all get out and give it our best.
All crab bait will be supplied for those that can help.
Lake Boondooma classic is a trip we have attended over the last few years and there is always some good fish and prizes to be had.
We don't have anything booked in for March and April so any ideas would be good.
The Boyne 'Hook Up' is on again in May. This is their 20th year running and I'm sure there will be some top prizes.
Last year's trip was a good one .So I'm hoping there will be a few members that would like to go again.
June sees the tailor starting to move.
There is a 'Greenback' Tailor comp down over the border at Pottsville 6th, 7th & 8th June, more details to come.
For those interested to travel north, Bundaberg has its local comp on 26th, 27th & 28th June also.
At this point we don't have anything for July.
August has the Wivenhoe comp that always fishes well.
September there is a comp on at Moreton Island! This maybe 1 for a bit more investigating.
And of course we have our yearly trip to Fraser in August.
so start planning.
We will also be looking at a few trips out side with a charter over the year.
With most trips partly funded by the club, where possible.
All funding will be determined ahead of the trips, and can only be made possible through ongoing fund raising, raffles, Jacaranda festivals, Melbourne cups, Australia Day Crab Racing etc.