Enjoy reading one of Jorgen Hempel’s original stories titled:
"A story about a Tree" which he has written for our Newsletter this month. Jorgen is the founder of Hemp Eco Systems.
by Jorgen Hempel
They inhabit our forests, rise to majestic heights, or crawl into the shadows of those dominating, as we do. We see them in the hills and in the valleys; they grow scarce on the mountain side and in abundance in the tropics. They ask for nothing but a bit of water, and nurse our climate. Different to other living things, they have no enemies. Except man.
And then they give us wood to keep us warm and structures with which to build our houses. If you draw a balance (an imposed condition in a regulated and controlled society like ours), you end up with the conclusion that the Tree we talk about could be no less than our best friend.
For thousands of years it served us, and our choices could have extended that for another thousand years.
When you told me that you have no enemies (but that of man) I agreed.
"But you must have competitors your Majesty," is what I said to the highest tree I could find.
"I do," answered the Tree, "but for the time being I prefer to ignore them."
But one day things changed, big machines rolled on the fields next to the forest
“Don’t touch my territory, “ cried the Tree.
“Have no worry,” answered the man on the machine, "all we do is sow grains for a new forest... "