Crowbarland Books Newsletter |
From the Publisher's Desk |
Our next release will be Cary Simms: The Final Testament, the third book in the Cary Simms series. Cary has just gotten home from her first year at TPS and is trying to enjoy her summer vacation. But after spending the school year in the magical realm, her life back at home wasn't quite the same as she remembered it. She needs to adjust to knowing about magic, and about the Archangel Michael's version of the Bible, which doesn't align with her usual church. When she goes looking for a church that does, she meets a group of kids that use magic like her. However, not everything as it seems with these new friends. |
Did you know that we also have audiobooks? We're currently working through all our previous books, trying to include them in our current audiobook collection. But going forward, all books, including The Final Testament, will now be released with an audiobook. These are only available on Google Play at the moment, but we are still looking into other avenues as well. Check out our Audiobook page on the website for which titles are currently available. |
Another month has come and gone, and we're well on our way in our thirty-sixth book, Byte the Hand that Made You. So far, it's coming out rather well, though it's still in the early days of the book. I wrote chapter eleven yesterday. Ava, the main character, a newly created android, and my creator, the inventor that created Ava, are only just starting to take form as characters in my mind. Today, I'll be expanding the world a little, with the two of them heading out into the world together. The mark two android is going to be prevalent throughout the world, showing the improvements that went into Ava. I can't wait for you all to meet these two interesting characters. |
Our next event will be Jersey Pride in June. We'll be there with our full display, and the seven new releases that have come out in the past year, including Cary Simms: The Final Testament. I hope to see you all there. |