Happy November. Happy NaNoWriMo. Happy New Year... well, at least my writing new year. Due to NaNoWriMo, and the goals I set for myself during it, November is my set end point. As such, we're considering our "Writing Year" to start in November.
For those looking forward to our new releases, this year we will be coming out with 2 Cary Simms books (The Final Testament and The Witch Ring), sequels to Mountain Princess (Prairie Queen) and Water's Eye (Fire's Tongue), the stand alone book The Darkness Within, and the first book in a new series, Pass the Death. Pass the Death is this year's NaNoWriMo book, and the start of my Death World series. It is something of a YA Lord of the Rings, told from the ring's point of view (or the stone, in my case). This is going to be interesting.
Books that I'm writing this year, but won't be out till 2024, will be Off Beat: A Musical, Mary Two Legs (about a human that grows up among mermaids), Byte the Hand that Made You (where the main character is a brand new android model... with a mysterious past), and Cary Simms: The Ivory Mask as a stretch goal heading into next November.
Cary Simms: The Final Testament is in first draft. It was a bit shorter than the other books, but I think that might have to do with my writing schedule on it. I'm hoping that I'll be enriching some of the scenes a little in the next draft, but it was pretty good for a first draft. I hit all the points that I wanted to, and even introduced a new character that will be in the rest of the series. I'm looking forward to getting it out there, some time next year.