Quarterly Update, April 2024 |
4-H across the country and beyond is united in our efforts to help all youth thrive, coming together in new and myriad ways to realize this promise for America’s youth. You can always connect back to the NYS 4-H PYD page to learn more about statewide initiatives to grow PYD practice and implement the 4-H Thriving Model in NYS and we invite you explore the highlights through this update: including what we’re celebrating, ideas to consider connecting to your program, and upcoming opportunities to continue to learn and grow. |
4-Hers lead the way in helping their communities thrive and creating opportunities for all. The CCE Erie 4-H Youth CAN group led a restorative justice circle that brought youth and adults of various backgrounds together to discuss how to address racism in Buffalo and Erie County: “The restorative justice circle created space for community members of all ages to reflect on their experiences with racism in order to move toward healing.” 4-H Youth CAN (Community Action Network) is a teen afterschool and summer program that trains teens to become community change agents. It is modeled after a long line of CYFAR (Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk) programs run at various CCE associations under the leadership of the late Dr. June Mead. Youth CAN uses the Youth Community Action model, whereby teens and adults work together to plan and implement community projects based on needs identified by the teen leaders. To read the full CCE Erie Success Story and explore more 4-H Thriving Stories, check out the CCE Program Development and Reporting tool section on Success Stories. |
Youth Engagement: Driving the Thriving Youth engagement is the element of the 4-H Thriving Model that influences the relationship between the developmental context and youth developing a thriving orientation – we say that engagement is driving the thriving. Check out an introduction to youth engagement in ACT for Youth’s PYD 101 online course and look for their workshop at the 4-H In-Service. Explore their Youth Engagement toolkit for more resources. |
4-H PYD Virtual Academy May 7-9, 2024 Register here Foster resilience, purpose, and readiness in every young person we reach as we help them prepare for work and life. Join the annual 4‑H PYD Virtual Academy!
This three‑day virtual event will feature a dynamic lineup, including keynote speakers Stephanie Malia Krauss and Dr. Kendall Cotton Bronk, 15 capacity‑building sessions, and opportunities for reflection and application.
Whether you're a 4‑H professional or involved with other youth‑serving organizations, this academy is tailor‑made for you. Join us as we strive to build a brighter future for the next generation.
NYS 4-H Spring In-Service May 15 - 17, 2024 Register here The 2024 NYS 4-H In-Service is a collaboration between PRYDE and NYS 4-H and will feature positive youth development research updates and Cornell connections, in addition to opportunities to connect with and learn from each other. Dr. Jennifer Agans will share her research and Dr. Richard Lerner and his research team will share the results of the national 4-H Replication and Reconnection Study. You’ll have an opportunity to learn about how 4-H connects with Cornell colleges’ missions in the Big Red Panel and learn about campus through a team-building scavenger hunt. We’ll have a variety of workshops led by collaborators in PRYDE, Animal Science, the Lab of Ornithology, ACT for Youth, the Spacecraft Planetary Image Facility, and more. We’ll also have an interactive poster session where researchers and practitioners can share current projects and collaboration opportunities. |
The team is here to support you as you explore new ways to advance the 4-H Thriving Model in your program, so please reach out with questions to Alexa, Kelly, Mel, or Shawn. How are you integrating the 4-H Thriving Model? have successful methods, practices, or resources to share with others. We'd love to learn from you! Connect with Team: Alexa Maille - ask37@cornell.edu Kelly Campbell - kmc86@cornell.edu Shawn Tiede - srt28@cornell.edu Mel Schroeder - mcs35@cornell.edu |