There is a new stormwater system being put in for part of the Peninsula and we are concerned that an outfall planned to go in at Waimanu Bay is going to put the shellfish beds that these birds are feeding from at risk. We believe that the outfall could significantly increase sediment, create fresh water pulses and allow sewage overflows, heavy metals and other pollutants to flow unfiltered into the harbour and all of which will adversely affect shellfish, potentially creating a scenario in which this area can no longer support wading birds.
If you read our correspondence you'll be aware that we have been meeting with Healthy Waters (Auckland Council) over the past year. We recently had another meeting with them which was also attended by MP Phil Twyford and Local Board members Brooke Loader and Dan Collins. We are hugely grateful to the politicians for taking the time to come to the meeting and for their advocacy for Te Wai o Pareira.