Latest Updates From Samuela |
Hello and welcome to your monthly review. |
Thank you for being a subscriber! A new poem, "Between" has been added to my site, you can check it out here! I'm delighted to say this month we've gained some more subscribers, and none of it would be possible without the support of each and every one of you. If you haven't already, please share my site with as many people as possible (to get the word out), and consider buying my book. For a discounted copy {if you live in NZ} email me at If you have any art or poetry requests (and general inquiries) don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you all for your support ❤️ All the best, Samuela Noel Dsouza |
What's in This Newsletter |
Read about this month's highlights,upcoming events, news, an exciting choose-your-own-adventure form, and a special book review! Have a wonderful week ahead. |
This month has been extremely busy, what with gift shopping for the holidays (yes, I like to get into the Christmas spirit very early), exam prep, and just general wrapping up before study leave. So far I've done some light reading, but we're yet to unpack my ongoing painting, so stay tuned for the big reveal. We've also reached 46 subscribers, which is a huge achievement, but we're counting on you to keep up the momentum! Please share this site and encourage your friends to subscribe! ❤️ |
Next month, expect a few new artworks on my site, some poems, and hopefully, a couple of exciting life updates. For now, I thought I'd bring back an interactive form from my very first newsletter, although with a BIG twist. Since it's the scary season soon (time to huddle up with a pumpkin latte during Trick or Treat) I've attached a choose-your-own-adventure below, where you venture into a haunted (or so they say) house. With several storylines and many endings, take a journey that's spooky, intriguing, and (morever) loads of fun, where you get to make all the decisions! Will you survive the haunted house? Enter at your own risk! (LINK TO PLAY) |
I know what you're thinking. The title, the minimilistic cover design...could this book be dystopian fiction? A sort of sci-fi fantasy blend perhaps? Honestly, when I first saw this book, I picked it up as a filler, something to read in the long hours once my other more exciting books were over. Explosive action, bright covers, intricate art...this book had none of those, so I simply sat down for a casual read, perhaps something to get my blood pumping. Well, this book certainly got my heart racing, but not at all in the way I expected. Instead of a sci-fi world with fake beasts, "People Kill People" introduced me to the real monsters--humans. Told in startling prose and six different perspectives, this book unbashedly dives into the dark hull of the human mind, gun violence, and white supremacy. Straight to the point, Ellen Hopkins tackles monumental themes within the span of a few hundred pages; her book has been hailed as “Fall’s most provocative YA read.” Not for the cowardly, this bestselling author digs deep with every word; Hopkins immersed me into the cold reality of the human condition, painting people (and society, as a whole) not as they could be, but as they are--raw, real, and just a trigger away from collapse. This is a must read eye-opener, and it left me turning pages long into the night. I will leave you with a quote that haunted me long after the last page: "People kill people. Guns just make it easier." |