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When I learnt about WebAR for the first time, immediately so many ideas hit me on how it can be used in so many domains and industries. Working in Pre-Sales in a startup for some time taught me to find viable sales opportunity out of every situation, if product and service permit meeting both ends.
I could not stop thinking that theoretically WebAR can be used in any domain, be it product or service based indutry. My thought was like if more businesses fall into the scope of AR, the prospect of the WebAR as a service will be way higher in demand and as a result a thriving business with too many sales cannot be far away.
But I was 100% wrong! Unlike me, if you want to start business by selling WebAR as a service, do not do make classic mistakes like me and follow my hard learnings. These learnings helped my team to generate $20k as a revenue in last 10 months by selling WebAR as a service. If you want to grow fast and swift, you must keep these points in mind.
How to determine Your Target Customer Domain?
AR is such a novel technology that can be used in any area. But you cannot target each and every industry to sell your service.
Who should be your ideal customer?
Your domain expertise where your are working for years could be a great start to find the similar customer base. Because you know what problems WebAR can solve and how it can add values.
What NOT to do while targeting leads?
It is lucrative to focus on different domains in the beginning to sell WebAR. Try to stick to a vertical. It's hard in the beginning. You may see less traction. But if you believe in it - continue experimentations to find the right combination of sales pitch, product fit to the market and solve the outstanding problems. This will eventually start working out and you'll be able to land more customers than others.
Never try to walk in too many shallow pools at the same time. It'll drain your energy quite a lot.
Narrow the focus, reap more benefits
Go deep into a domain vertical as much as you can. The more deep you go, the better chance of success you'll find. Let me give you an example.
You want to sell WebAR as a service to retail industry.
Try to break it down and go deep.
Retail --> eCommerce --> Furnitures --> Luxury lifestyle --> EU specific
You can go down this way and find a target niche. Why it's important?
Because the more specific problem you solve, the better it fits the target customers. They will be more interested to buy your solution now.
Make your offer relevant to the problem solving
As you go deep down in a niche, you'll have much more better understanding on what problems bug your ideal customers. Pitch them with the solution and how WebAR can solve it and bring ROI back to the customer. This will ensure that the customer has more likely to buy the solution because it is more specific and to the mark. Your sales will go high this way.
Once you have certain growth in a niche, then gather enough testimonials from the customers and move on to the new niche (but don't leave the earlier one). This way you can expand your business in an easy and profitable way.