NEWSLETTER Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity and Week Commencing 20 September 2020 |
All services are live streamed to our Facebook Page. It's easy - just click on the image to connect at the relevant time. Once there, be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW us! |
SUNDAY 20 TRINITY XV / Ordinary 25 (for our parish community) |
9am Morning Prayer 10am PARISH MASS 5pm Evening Prayer |
Monday 21 St Matthew, ap (for St Matthew's Westminster) |
Tuesday 22 Feria (for the addicted) |
Wednesday 23 St Padre Pio, pr, r (for Amy Sheridan - to be deaconed) |
Thursday 24 Our Lady of Walsingham (for the Shrine of OLOW) |
9.30am Adoration of the B.S. 10am Mass of OLOW |
Friday 25 Bl Lancelot Andrewes, bp (for the falsely imprisoned) |
Saturday 26 Ss Cosmas and Damian, ms (Ember Day) (for Fr Sam Maginnis - to be priested) |
All services listed here are in church and open to the public |
HARVEST FESTIVAL Sunday 11 October Our annual Mass of Thanksgiving for the Harvest will take place on Sunday 11 October at 10am. As usual we will be collecting for the local foodbank. You will find some boxes near the St Francis chapel for you to deposit your donations of tinned and packets foods, toiletries, baby care and feminine hygiene productions. Please bring these before Sunday 11th so we can sort them out. If you would prefer to make a cash donation towards our Harvest Appeal, then please donate here. |
In order to keep our church open for worship, we must maintain it as a Covid Secure space. This means strictly adhering to the Government guidelines and the systems in place in the church building. Please remember always to: - Use hand sanitizer on entry to the church
- Go straight to your place and remain there
- Maintain 2m distance from anyone not in your family/bubble
- Wear a face-covering unless you are exempt
- Do not leave your place for Communion until asked
- Sanitize hands before and after receiving Communion
- Leave on your face covering until receiving Communion and replace it immediately after
- Maintain the one-way system – down the central aisle and return via the side aisles
- Leave church immediately after Mass. Please do not socialise inside church or gather in any areas
DEDICATION OF STAINED GLASS & ALTAR FRONTALS During the Harvest Festival we will dedicate the 3 new altar frontals to the late Arthur Leggatt and Fr Barnes, and the new stained-glass window (to be installed at the end of the month) to the parents of Margaret Bonner. |
ELECTORAL ROLL REVISION ends Saturday 3 October The electoral roll – the official record of church members - is being revised until Saturday 3 October. This comes under the heading of boring but important. If you are not on our Electoral Roll, we do urge you to apply to join if you are baptised and either live in the parish or ‘have habitually attended public worship in the parish’. If your correct details are already on the roll, you don’t need to do anything. There are some printed application forms at the back of church and the form is downloadable from Please complete and return your form to our electoral roll officer, Emma Jeffery –, no later than Saturday 3 October. Emma will also answer any questions you may have about the roll. |
VESTRY MEETING and APCM 18 October 11.30am The Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meeting which was deferred from May due to Covid will take place after Mass on Sunday 18 October. During these meetings the annual reports for the parish will be formally received and elections for new members of the PCC, Churchwardens and Deanery Synod Representatives will take place. Forms for these elections will be available at the end of the month. |
LIVE STREAMING Services continue to be live streamed for those who are currently unable to return to church. The camera is pointed away from the pews, but you may be seen and recorded when you go to receive Holy Communion. |
Thank you to all those whose sacrificial financial generosity has allowed us to pay our bills over these past months. We remain in a difficult financial situation and are running a deficit into the high tens of thousands. The PCC will need to make some hard decisions over the coming months, particularly in relation to the hire and use of Community Hall. If you would like more information about how you can support your church by planned giving, please speak to Margaret Quinney in confidence. |
OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND Valentines Mansion is open until 4pm. A self-guided outdoor walk from Valentines Mansion and Park to The Hospital Chapel, the Town Hall, SPACE Ilford, the Kenneth More Theatre, and the Library and Museum, with details of each location, has been launched... | | |
The Church of England has a phone-in prayer and service line. Dial the freephone number to hear Morning / Evening Prayer, Sunday Service, Popular Hymns or special prayers. |
OF YOUR CHARITY, PLEASE PRAY FOR the sick, distressed and bereaved Karen Shallow • Nancy Banks • Pordou Eweka • Peter • Denis Deasey • Lukas, Śarunas and Laima Grigoraitis • Norman Valentine • Shirley Ellis • Jose Damente • Barbara File • John and Joan Cassidy • Carol Snow • Gordon Ayres • Brendan Cooney • Suzanne Spencer; Lorraine Sage • Cornelius Chalwe Jr the recently departed Alan Cross priest, Nathaniel Forde, Barry Lowrey deacon, Alex. those whose anniversaries of death fall this week Monday Eleanor Joy Wednesday Gladys Willis Saturday Ruby Rogers, Ivy Tinson |