Hello to BWH clients and followers!
Let's begin with the 2022 Wrap up. Boy was it EVER an interesting year. Interesting is a safe word to use for many of us, don't you think?
For me, this year was not at all what I was expecting, and it felt OFF. It was filled with a variety of experiences, uncomfortable moments in frustration, questioning, exploration, inward focus and healing.
I celebrate the year as I reflect upon it. Why would you ask if it was as you described above? Well because the personal growth was exponentially beneficial. It included clarity of purpose, through a stronger sense of self. It awakened a deep understanding of my Divine connection (we all have it BTW), and I honoured ME. I finally met our Creator and feel on purpose shining my own inner light and creating a ripple effect in this world alongside my amazing magickal herd.
I took the Summer off when I heard my inner self scream ~ many times: "That is enough. Stop everything and go inward".
I had to have a deep look at who I was vs. who I am. The who I am was so much better than what I thought I wanted to be. which was EGO sneaking out and taking control.
I have no shame or guilt to share this. This is the Frannie letting you know that the recognition of this takes courage and to share this is part of that courage where vulnerability is present; I make myself open for judgments and criticism but more importantly appreciation, creibility and respect. I invite you to welcome this call instead of resisting the call. "What you resist persists".
Through this personal reflection, I spent quality time with the herd, listening to their wisdom for ME. I spent time in Nature listening, seeing, smelling, earthing, connecting, recalibrating and BEING.
One of the contributors to taking a break was the loss of my beloved lead mare Cleo in April from a sudden hip dislocation injury. Making the decision to let her go was very hard; I didn't want to live that reality, I felt I had enough to deal with and was in denial, but within hours I came to terms with her fate. The herd felt the change. I observed them grieving for a while. They laid in the field for weeks. All of them. Laying. I had never seen this before from the herd. They mirrored my need to rest as well. And so I joined them.
Adapting to her a new lead mare has been tough. The only possible lead mare was Miss Daisy, and she was not naturally born as a leader. I've witnessed her struggling, but I also witnessed her love for the herd by taking on some responsibility and working at her credibility among the horses. I am so very proud of her. She showed me when you truly LOVE, all is possible.
Then in July, another big hit. Chinook, my very first horse passed as well at 25 years old Another huge, painful moment to live through and so close to the loss of Cleo. His health had deteriorated in the past year, and although I tried to prepare myself, I wasn't prepared at all. I am so grateful for us finding each other years ago and the life we had together. He is the one that started it all for me and my work with horses.
Both horses are part of the land now, along with Bliss and Star. Their presence is felt, and at times very strongly.
In late November, I lost my beloved Bernese Mountain dog Tommy to cancer. December 21st would have been his 11th birthday. I consider myself very fortunate for Tom to have somewhat outlived the lifespan of that breed. He was a big part of my life. A very aggressive cancer had been diagnosed in March this year. From the options suggested, I had decided to not affect his quality of life with intervention, as he was my usual Tom. All was good, but then within 12 hours the effects of cancer kicked in and 2 days later he was gone. Between March and late November, I had an amazing experience with him. The passing of Chinook helped me understand the process of preparing for Tom's transition.
This year, death and rebirth were the theme. In early December, I went to pick up a Bernese Mountain dog puppy, Maverick. He has not in any way replaced Tom, however, he certainly has helped me adapt to the losses I've experienced and process the life and death reality.
One loss I am not sad about is the loss of the old me. I had created huge changes in my life in 2007 manifesting a new reality for the past fifteen years and this year was another memorable year. Will I be done with self growth? Absolutely not. Do I want to? I want to continue growing my light. This is part of my Soul contract when I incarnated on this Earth.
All of this contributed to some of new, more 'aligned with me", changes and birthed creations. I revamped my website to reflect more the truth of who I am. I opened the BWH client cottage to offer one and two day retreats, I signed up with an International association, and I am listed as a horse motel, I created a BWH boutique, I created a seasonal women's group called Kindred Souls Connection, I started offering online sessions, (very much part of the pioneering of this approach of horse to human energetic connection at distance) and I stepped out of my fear by offering readings from the herd.
So as we are closing 2022, I look back in total gratitude for this past year. What I have learned and discovered has made a HUGE positive change in my life. I am in the manifestation of who I truly am. 2023 will reflect that for me and the purpose through Balance With Hooves.
I am deeply grateful for my herd supporting me, guiding me, helping me breakthrough some barriers, process emotions and find my sense of self.
Should you want to join me on this journey of self discovery, for making way for your inner light to finally shine, and to create your own reality free from fear that comes from beliefs that are not yours and real, book a free 30 minutes Clarity Call with me and let's make 2023 a year to remember and be grateful for.
May the holiday season warm your Soul, bring love to your heart and bless you with everything this life has to offer.
“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something.” ~ Neil Gaiman
Love, Light & Blessings
Frannie Chara & The Balace With Hooves Herd