I literally can't handle how cute they are. I can't.
They are so perfect and healthy!
As for me, I'm feeling pretty good overall. I'd say the hardest part about touring pregnant would be the summer heat/humidity. The hot flashes and dehydration are REAL! It seems like it took forty years to escape the summer heat, and some days are still way too hot for my taste... We got a message that it rained at home yesterday as well! We cannot wait to get back to our mountains.
Now, I should get ya'll caught
up on the past couple of months.
Remember when Eli and I ran over that chunk of metal and it destroyed our black tank and some other stuff? Well, the very next day someone gave us the money to replace it!! Praise God!!! It was absolutely incredible... So we ordered a replacement tank and had to wait about three weeks to get it. When we got to grandma Fay's house after being in Minnesota and Illinois, Eli was finally able to have time to get the big job done! That is, until he accidentally poked a hole in the new tank during the installation... (He thought) he sealed the litle hole, only to find it dripping a few days later... Long story short, we didn't have a bathroom for a looong time!
He got it done though! Did I also mention that our grey water tank had a massive hole in it from the same piece of metal? YEAH.
We could only afford to patch that one, but thankfully it's been good as new this past month. Thank you all for the prayers!!
Besides that fiasco, everyone's vehicles/campers have done so well on this tour, it's almost suspicious...😉
On this second-half of the tour, we traveled through Kentucky, Indiana, Alabama, Michigan, Ohio, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and now Arizona! Phew! We played at churches/parks/venues in almost all of those states minus two or three. The people we've met have been the kindest ever. We have also really been focusing on each member's personal walk with Jesus this year. We've had a few bible studies when circumstances permitted, and it's been so eye-opening for us all. Me and Eli have been setting our bibles on top of our phones at night, so that when we wake up in the morning, the bible will be the first thing we grab. I loved that idea when Eli suggested it! It really works. I am so bad at setting time aside to read, so I was thankful for that solution.
I've noticed a big difference in our unity this year as a whole. Being able to open up spiritually with others who share the same passion for Jesus is a huge deal. I'll tell you right now, if you have been disconnecting yourself from other people who love/follow Jesus, it is going to tear you apart in time. God said to Adam all the way back in the Garden of Eden, "It is not good for man to be alone", and my goodness was He right. Let me ask you, when do you think the enemy is going to shoot his shot at you? When you are at your most vulnerable, right? That's when you're alone. Whether you're at home, or driving somewhere by yourself, anytime you are in your head, he's gonna sneak in and wreak havoc. If you experience those low moments and then have no one to confide in, that's the danger! If the enemy whispers to you, "you'll never be enough", and then you let that fester, it will become a truth to you! Imagine if you spoke it out loud, confiding in someone from church or wherever, your eyes would be opened to the lies! Praying on your own is wonderful, but praying with two, three others? POWERFUL.
I hope I encourage someone with this little thought! As you should expect, it's been something I've struggled with my whole life.
I don't know about you, but I ain't letting the enemy say anymore dumb stuff to me. I have much better things to think about.
So thanks for checking in with The Lack Fam!
We are so happy with everything that's happened on this year's tour, and we absolutely cannot wait to get back home and see our friends again! I personally can't wait to meet this BABY!!!
Until next time, this is Sarah Anne signing off!
"'I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.'”
~ Matthew 18:20