A newsletter not asking you to donate! That's crazy!! |
But you should watch! TONIGHT. Tune in to FOX at 9pm for a half-hour political comedy special with yours truly voicing several characters!! I also make a tiny on-camera appearance during the elevator scene, so don't blink. The cast was just outstanding and I was thrilled for this opportunity that came via Robert Smigel. Gimme your reviews on new FORUM PAGE a place where I can connect with my friends and fans, without the Facebook aftertaste! | | |
Speaking of which, YESTERDAY I deleted FACEBOOK. I've been on there since 2008 and had thousands of followers/friends. My account's data was almost 5 gigs when I downloaded it! It wasn't a 'quick' decision to delete it, but after really learning about the practices behind the company, it was an easy one. So, for now, the place to connect with me is my website! I'll be writing a lot more on my blog and the FORUM is where we can discuss topics and share a laugh. Cool things are coming! | | |
To be honest you'll probably never hear me do Kamala professionally because the role will go to a woman of color, and that's okay by me. I get it and support the national conversation we're having now about the toll racism has taken. Nonetheless, I am happy to write material for persons of any color and have fun trying to bend my voice. (Jacqueline Battalora's YouTube Video BIRTH OF A WHITE NATION is a MUST) |
My Covid-inspired company VIRTUAL TOUR VOICES is up and running. To be honest, business among luxury realtors has been slower than I thought, in part, because homes are FLYING off the shelves right now. Of course, when times change, VTV will be ready. But property management companies and anyone with vacation rentals will definitely benefit from investing in a narrated virtual tour right now. Renters looking online can not only see a property they are interested in but can hear about all the things that make it special too. The 3D technology sales used to make virtual tour videos is THROUGH the roof, yet, the industry still hasn't fully accepted that adding sound makes sense! HA! For perspective, it took Hollywood 8 years to fully transition away from silent films to the talkies, so I guess that makes me ahead of my time. |
Speaking of 'ahead of its time'. . .I just found this funny cult-classic created by Robert Smigel and Conan O'Brien, starring Adam (Batman) West. Mr. West said it was his favorite pilot. It didn't get made cuz the guy at NBC who liked it died and the new person shelved it. So goes history. Click pic to watch 22 minutes of comedy. |
The audiobook of CAN'T HURT ME is my recommendation of the month. It has changed my life and will yours if you need some changing. I started running again because of this book. It's too long to 'splain in a newsletter why this is a big deal so I'm going to write about it on my BLOG this week. Check back. I'll even include pictures of my back that will shock you!!
(Goggins' swears A LOT when he talks, so if it offends you, move along.) |
WANT TO ADD TO YOUR MUSIC LIBRARY? Never mind, one of these guys is a friend, it's great music! |
I recommend this documentary on Netflix if you are looking for something thought-provoking. Our systems are broken. This is not even up for debate is it? Well if it is, tell Chris Wallace to take a powder. I'll handle it. So how do we move forward? First, we have to acknowledge WHAT IS. I'm not sure this movie address the solutions to be honest, but getting on the same page as far as what we are all living in has to be the first step. Let me know your thoughts. |
Rankings :: Legatum Prosperity Index 2019Over the last ten years the Legatum Institute, through the Legatum Prosperity Index™, has tracked the journey of 167 nations in order to answer these questions. The results explain how and why nations with similar resources do better or worse than their peers and what drives and constrains the creation of a more prosperous society. |
As some of you will note this newsletter is longer than most and chocked with more things than usual. I will continue with this trend as I am no longer on Facebook. I do have an Instagram account but it's really just so I can share pictures of the family with the family and spy on my son. Dexter turns 14 on October 5th! Richie is back in school and Lil Bear is better groomed at $75, than the rest of us. I hope you are finding ways to #lovemore and #laughlouder during this time we are all being asked to dig deep. If you got this newsletter and don't want to or got it twice, let me know so I can correct the situation. |
Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be - Tolstoy. |