Our Biweekly Newsletter - 31 January 2019 |
NOTICE: Annual Meeting Open to the Public |
We thank all of you that visited the shop to stock up on supplies, take a class, or just to say hello. We greatly appreciate your support and friendship. It was a cold January, the snowstorm caused us to close early one Saturday and we had to postpone the Wet Felting class. It is rescheduled for February 23rd from noon - 2:00PM. It was a very full class, so there are no new seats available unless someone cancels due to the time change. Call the shop if you have any questions. Fun Fact: Did you know that the February school break in the northeast became widely instituted in the 1970's due to a complicated war overseas, resulting in an oil crisis, and a sudden realization that fossil fuels are not limitless. Of course it was much more complicated than that. But it started as an experiment for the purpose of saving energy during cold winter months. The break has become a time for many to travel south to warmer places. The 2019 Winter break is from February 18 - 22nd. If you're not heading south and you've got some free time in the afternoons join us for a "February Inspiration Retreat" for adults. Continue reading the newsletter for more details on this retreat. If you are interested, please call the shop at 585-328-2642 or email us at sewgreenrochester@gmai.org to register. Remember we offer so many free clubs including Crochet and Knitting, Family Sewing and Open Sewing Opportunities. Check out our website - sewgreenrochester.org We hope you enjoy this newsletter, and don't forget to share your projects with us, send a picture and a brief description to sewgreenrochester@gmail.com And don't forget... February 23, from 2-4PM, our Annual Meeting, everyone is invited! |
Events and Classes Coming Up |
February Inspiration Retreat |
SewGreen is trying something new for those who can’t escape to someplace sunny and warm on the Winter break. Five days of afternoon retreat designed for teachers but open to all adults ages 22 and up. You may bring in your own sewing, knitting or crochet project or try something new! Ashley Zhong will be the retreat coordinator (read more about Ashley below). Participants of the retreat will have the opportunity to learn different techniques of using yarn and fabric with sewing projects. The items created will purposely be abstract to allow for inspiration to further develop a product of choice. Ashley will bring sample products for you to see what you could create. She will also help you develop your own unique plans for your creation. Earrings, hats, headbands, throw pillows, rugs, and purses are just some of the inspiration products you can create with the techniques taught in this retreat. All materials are included. Come for as many days as work for your schedule. Open to all adults $10 a day. Free for teachers. See our Class Schedule for times and dates. IMPORTANT: You must pre-register for the retreat, Please call the shop at 585-328-2642 or send an email to sewgreenrochester@gmail.com to register. |
This is Ashley Zhong, Coordinator for the "Inspiration Retreat" in February Ashley likes working with recycled and leftover materials and feels most creative when she has limited resources to work with—"it’s like I’m solving a puzzle and creating something new at the same time"
She also loves experimenting with color to make unusual combinations and never leaves out the “ugly colors.”—"No color is ugly if you find the right color to combine it with." Some of her favorite combinations right now are baby pastels and neon. Some of Ashley's creations are on display at Sew Green above the sewing machines. Stop in and take a look! |
Home Dec Fabric, not only for upholstery |
We usually think upholstery and drapery when we think of Home Dec fabric, but there are other uses for this beautiful, colorful and durable fabric. Our shop has plenty to choose from. You will find it near the back of the store by Scrappy Land. Stop in and browse the variety of patterns and colors of our Home Dec. Here are a few non-traditional uses for Home Dec. Perhaps you can create something beautiful and useful! |
1. Pretty Shelf and Drawer liner 2. Ditty Bag 3. Lining for sewing room trash bin 4. Back Seat Organizer 5. Trunk organizer 6. Large Grocery Tote 7. Pillow Cover for Porch Pillows 8. Patchwork Table Runner 9. Strip and Weave into a throw rug 10. Picnic Blanket 11. Cover for your pet's crate or cage |
As you know, SewGreenRochester is a great place to learn how to sew. We offer classes for beginners of all ages. These "besties" took our Sewing 101 class, and came back the next week for the FREE Saturday "Family Sewing Club" to build their sewing skills. They made matching "String Back Packs". We look forward to what they will create next! |
If you took the sewing 101/102 class, or are just learning how to sew on your own, stop in on a Saturday from 11-1 or during one of our Open Sewing Opportunites and our staff members will help you develop your skills. |
It is believed that the spinning wheel was invented in India about 500AD. The spinning of yarn took place way before that, but the addition of the wheel and pedal sped up the process of spinning raw wool or cotton into yarn. Once the wool or cotton was spun into yarn, the yarn could be weaved into clothing. Most households had a spinning wheel as it was essential to the creation of warm clothing for the winter months. |
The "Hand Spinning on a wheel with Marcia" was a popular class, one of the participants drove a little over an hour to take the class. Traditionally, the spinning wheel was made of wood, but as you can see in the picture, some modern spinning wheels are made of PVC pipe. Join us the next time we offer this class to learn this ancient technique of spinning. |
Working with Commercial Patterns |
Back in the day, a class called "Home Economics" was taught in schools. Many of you may remember it. Sewing was only one of the many topics taught. The sewing lesson began with choosing a commercial pattern from which to create a piece of clothing or a stuffed animal. In the pattern package you find the tissue paper pattern, suggestions for the best fabric to use, how much fabric to purchase, and a list of other supplies needed to complete the item (elastic, buttons interfacing etc.) also, an abundance of written instructions, including alternative ways to make the item. It can seem a daunting task to figure it all out on your own. But you don't have to! SewGreenRochester offers a class called "Working with Commercial Patterns". Below is a picture of Sheldon and Richard participating in the class. You can see that they are almost literally elbows deep in tissue paper. See the printouts on the paper? Those are the pattern pieces. The pieces have notches, arrows, dotted lines, and words. All of these are explained in this course. Once you know the language of commercial patterns, you can read any one of them. Our next class is February 19th. |
Richard and Sheldon learning how to work with commercial patterns. Today's commercial patterns can be expensive, but our shop sells commercial patterns for 10 cents each. Stop in and browse through them. We have lots for all ages, and sizes, from elegant garments to pajama bottoms! |
SEND US YOUR PHOTOS We'd love to see what you've been working on and what you're making with supplies from our shop. Please share a photo or two with us. Email photos with a brief description to: sewgreenrochester@gmail.com You might see your project in our next newsletter! |
Quilting Block of the Month Class with Deb and Linda February 2nd 2:00 - 4:00PM March 2nd 2:00 - 4:00PM It's almost here! The first of our monthly quilt block classes. The first class will concentrate on the tools and techniques to cut, measure and sew traditional quilt blocks in the modern way. We will discuss how to get your blocks lined up with the perfect 1/4 inch seam allowance. You will go home with one complete block and lots of ideas to make many more for your own interesting quilt. |
Sewing Macine 101 February 5th 11:00AM - 1:00PM February 5th 4:00PM - 6:00PM February 9th 2:00PM - 4:00PM This class is a combined 101 and 102, so if you are brand new to sewing, or a new beginner this is the class for you. Make friends with a sewing machine in our shop or bring yours from home. We will take you through the basics of machine operation and safety, and guide you toward sewing a project. Then, build on the skills you've gained in 101. Is there a sewing project that interests you, or that you want to complete? How can your newly-gained sewing machine skills help you achieve that goal? This is the place and time to learn! All ages welcome! |
Working with Dress Forms February 12th 11:00AM - 1:00PM February 12th 4:00PM - 6:00PM February 16th 2:00PM - 4:00PM Learn how padding a dress form can help you put together outfits and understand the fit of your clothing. Professional measurements will be included. |
Make an Apron with Josefina Starts Thursday March 14th Josefina will continue to offer her popular "Make a Bag with Josefina" class on Thursdays in February. However, in March, she will offer another one of her popular and fun classes called "Make an Apron with Josefina". Simple, elaborate, plain or fancy -- aprons are fun and easy to make. You’ll start with the basics and learn how to design, piece, add trim, and create as complicated an apron as you like. Finish something fun while learning lots of new sewing skills! |
A complete list of February and March Classes is on our Calendar, click the Calendar button below |
Unless otherwise noted, our two-hour classes are $10. Sign up for our classes in advance, call 585-328-2642 or email info@sewgreenrochester.org to register. ----------- Scholarships are always available for each of our classes! |
Remember... Every Saturday is Scrappy Saturday! Our small scrappy bags stuffed with scraps and rolls of fabric and/or unmarked balls of yarn are only $1 all day (regularly $3 on weekdays). Bring your own grocery-sized tote and stuff it full for only $5 (regularly $10). Stop by and fill a bag with scrappy treasures this Saturday, and every Saturday! |
Sever Weather Alert! Some winter days in the Rochester area are just too dangerous for driving. Please watch our Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter accounts for announcements of shop closures. When in doubt? Please, choose to be safe! Thanks! |
Thank you for your generous donations! We accept donation deliveries on the following days and times: Tuesdays 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Fridays 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. |
Unless otherwise noted above, our shop is open Mon-Thurs, 11 a.m - 6 p.m. & Fri-Sat, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. |