Crowbarland Books Newsletter |
From the Publisher's Desk |
Our next release will be Mary Two Legs. Mary isn't like the other mermaids in her pod. That is understandable, given that she's really a human. However, it isn't excusable. After all, humans are monsters. But when the monsters come for her, just whose side will she be on? Look for Byte the Hand That Made You, coming out May 10th. |
Pre-order Mary Two Legs below |
Did you know that we also have audiobooks? We're currently working through all our previous books, trying to include them in our current audiobook collection. But going forward, all books, including Mary Two Legs, will now be released with an audiobook. These are only available on Google Play at the moment, but we are still looking into other avenues as well. Check out our Audiobook page on the website for which titles are currently available. |
Forward. Always forward. I've started my next novel, Starlight, which is kind of Twilight but with shape-shifting aliens instead of vampires. So far, it's been a bit slow, but that's pretty standard at this point. I've written enough books to know the flow. Plenty of ideas for later in the book, and later in the series, are coming to me. It's just going through the introductory point once again that has me bogged down. That's one benefit to the series that I'm working on; it's more reintroducing while moving forward. However, I have a good feel of the character and the world, which are two of the main roadblocks I always hit. It's just the short plot that I'm struggling with. Once I get to the point where Bella is dating Edward, or Hope is dating Eddi, things will start to fall into place. On another note, I'm starting to get ahead on my pre-releases, which is nice. My July release, Cary Simms: The Ivory Mask, is now up. For those that follow that series, this is THE book. This is when Cary realizes that she's a girl. It opens up some issues for her that mostly get resolved in book 6, which will be coming out in September. I can't wait till people get to read this one. I'm hoping to have some advanced copies at Jersey Pride next month, for those that come. |
Welcome to 2024. I'll be heading back to Jersey Pride in June and Collingswood in November. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there will be any other events this year. As usual, watch this section for updates. |