Re-Connecting Through Art and Music Inspired by Nature |
This Zen of Emily exhibition highlights the profound lifetime inspiration that Emily Carr has had on the work of esteemed Canadian artist, Roberta Pyx Sutherland and includes a collection of Roberta's landscape drawings, plus a forest series in honour of Emily. Since her first solo exhibition at the Victoria Art Gallery in the 1980’s, the work of Roberta Pyx Sutherland has focused on the relationships of cosmic patterning, divine intelligence, the environment and the inter-connectivity of all life forms. |
Free half-hour guided walking tour with Friends of Bowker Creek, 1 pm Concert, 2 pm, Saturday, March 18, 2023 Dave Dunnet Community Theatre, Oak Bay High, 2121 Cadboro Bay Rd. Civic Orchestra of Victoria. Nathan Jacklin, Music Director - Tickets The Civic Orchestra of Victoria opens the first program of Victoria's newest festival, Re-Connect 2023, with a dramatic program inspired by nature. De Falla– Night in the Gardens of Spain Beethoven – Symphony No. 6 (Pastoral) Nielsen – Helios Overture Prior to the concert, Friends of Bowker Creek Society and students from Oak Bay High School will host a free half-hour guided walking tour of the Bowker Creek Watershed that will demonstrate how restoration of native vegetation and wildlife habitat plays a vital role in our community. The watershed is just steps away from the theatre. Please meet at 1 pm at the front doors of Oak Bay High School. The concert at 2 pm will feature the Civic Orchestra of Victoria with piano soloist, Robert Holliston, an extraordinarily accomplished pianist who currently serves as the Head of Keyboard at the Victoria Conservatory of Music. Presented by Creatively United in partnership with the Gail O'Riordan Climate & the Arts Legacy Series and the Victoria Foundation to inspire environmental awareness and consciousness through collaboration with artists. A portion of the concert proceeds will be donated to the Friends of Bowker Creek Society. Get tickets here |
Portraits of Nature Concert + Bowker Creek Walking Tour Free half-hour guided walking tour with Friends of Bowker Creek, 1 pm Concert, 2 pm, Saturday, March 18, 2023 Dave Dunnet Community Theatre, Oak Bay High, 2121 Cadboro Bay Rd. Civic Orchestra of Victoria. Nathan Jacklin, Music Director - Get Tickets Changing Course: A River’s Journey of Reconnection Date TBD, St. Andrew's Kirk Hall, 680 Courtenay St. A special film premiere with a live music and dance performance Resurrection - Ballet & Music on Renewal with Nature 7:30 pm, Saturday, May 20 + 2:30 pm, Sunday May 21, 2023 UVic Farquhar Auditorium, Ring Rd. Ballet Victoria; Victoria Choral Society; Members of Victoria Symphony Brian Wismath, Music Director - For further information: Ballet Victoria Dream of Gerontius by Edward Elgar 7:30 pm, Saturday, June 3, 2023 Christ Church Cathedral, 930 Burdett Ave Victoria Philharmonic Choir, Members of the Victoria Symphony and International Soloists. Peter Butterfield, Music Director For further information: Victoria Philharmonic Choir Walking Within the Bounds of Nature 2 pm, Saturday, June 24 + Sunday, June 25, 2023 Irving Park in James Bay, 250 Menzies St. Sponsored by James Bay United Church Sopranos and instrumentalists Jennifer Turner and Caleigh Aalders For further information: James Bay United Church The Birds - Piano Recital 4 pm, Saturday, July 8, 2023, Christ Church Cathedral, 930 Burdett Ave Soloist Sarah Hagen - For further information: Christ Church Cathedral |
The Islands Trust Conservancy Species at Risk Program is focused at facilitating research and collaboration for the recovery of endangered species and ecosystems on the Islands. As part of this program the Conservancy are hosting a series of speakers. Topics include; Species at Risk and Critical Habitat Protection on Non-Federal Lands. Growing Native Plant Species for People and Place. Monitoring and Restoration of Rare Ecosystems. BC Conservation Data Centre 101. Phwulhp (Garry Oak) Meadows: Understanding a Living Cultural Landscape.
Learn more and register here |
United for Old Growth Rally Recap |
“Ancient trees are precious. There is little else on Earth that plays host to such a rich community of life within a single living organism.” - Sir David Attenborough |
Thousands of people from all over Vancouver Island and the Mainland braved the cold to show their support for protecting and preserving British Columbia's old growth forests at last week’s Rally. at this week's Old Growth Forest Rally. Douglas and Government Streets in Victoria were closed down for more than 45 minutes as people filled the length of the street from City Hall to the Parliament Buildings. Numerous leaders from various First Nations attended from across the province, as well as youth, elders, families, medical professionals, non-profit organizations and other concerned members of the public, including famous Canadian/American singer/songwriter/activist Neil Young and 86-year-old world renowned scientist, author and activist, David Suzuki. Thank you to everyone who said hello to us and filled out a postcard to Premiere Eby to share their concerns. If you haven't done so already, please write to: The Office of the Premier, PO BOX 9041 STN Prov. Govt., Victoria, BC V8W 9E1 Minister of Forests, Bruce Ralston, 10574 King George Blvd, Surrey, BC V3T 2X3 |
Urge Your MLA to Reject Further Development of LNG in British Columbia Submitted by WE-CAN |
The decision whether to continue approving and subsidizing LNG projects in BC is being discussed now and decisions will be made soon. Please write to and meet with your MLA now in what could be a crucial period of decision-making. Feel free to use parts or all of the text below, so that you can do this. Find your MLA contact info here. Dear MLA (add name), We write today to ask you to refuse any further subsidies for LNG: Phase 2, along with any other oil/gas exploration and/or expansion initiatives within British Columbia. "LNG Canada eyes electrification as planned expansion would send B.C. emissions skyrocketing" The oil and gas industry has had a record year, accumulating billions in profits to enrich their shareholders, while BC families go hungry. In 2018, the BC Government developed the CleanBC plan to support the province’s legislated GHG reductions target for 40% fewer emissions by 2030. In 2021, the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 sought to close the implementation gap and support a more ambitious 2050 commitment of net zero. The 2022 report of BC’s Climate Solutions Advisory Council warns that “the pace of action is not commensurate with the degree of urgency facing our region and our planet,” adding that BC is far from meeting its climate targets under the current conditions. Source As the Council points out, LNG expansion will make achieving these targets impossible, and exacerbate a perilous increase in global temperatures well beyond the target of a less than 1.5 degree Celsius temperature rise. In other words, when it comes to fossil fuels, we should do as the scientific experts recommend — “leave it in the ground.” BC has a tremendous opportunity to position itself as a world climate leader in the development of renewable energy technologies (solar, wind, geothermal, tidal). Your Government can lead by phasing out fossil fuels and building a thriving, clean, green energy economy that will create healthier and more resilient communities, and sustainably support BC’s future generations. We call upon you, our elected representative, to advocate among your caucus and cabinet peers for the urgent need to phase out fossil fuels subsidies now, and indeed to phase out BC’s use of fossil fuels in general, and to accelerate the just transition to a renewable energy future. You can take an important step toward this future by saying no to any further subsidies to LNG, and the improvident oil and gas industry. Thank you, Your Name |
Good News Conservation Story |
The Nature Trust of British Columbia has successfully purchased a 31.2 ha site known as Mount Fisher Bluffs on Saturna Island. This area contains six sensitive ecosystems, including a portion of a wetland, shallow-soiled grassland, herbaceous rocky bluffs, coniferous woodland, mixed woodland, and mature coniferous forests that range from 80 to 250 years old. It also supports a number of species listed under the Species at Risk Act, including slender popcorn flower and white meconella. Learn more |
Creatively United for the Planet is a registered non-profit society. Since 2012, we have been leading, convening and amplifying ways to share how collectively we can reduce our ecological footprint and implement long-term sustainability solutions. Our mandate is to foster conversations, connections and create collaborative opportunities that bring individuals and organizations together in support of achieving common sustainability goals and accelerating climate action. Creatively United is a member of the Westcoast Climate Action Network and works collaboratively with numerous community organizations and in partnership with the Gail O'Riordan Climate and the Arts Legacy Fund, supported by The Victoria Foundation. The Gail O'Riordan Climate and the Arts Legacy Fund is dedicated to changing human consciousness towards global environmental change by combining science with the creativity of the performing arts. |
Healthy, happy communities begin from the ground up. Help us inspire generations to protect and preserve the natural world and confront climate change, so families, communities and nature can prosper together. |