Welcome all NGIT members to the latest edition of Tassie eNews |
The Tassie eNews is produced with the intention of keeping all our Tasmanian members up-to-date with all relevant nursery and garden industry information. We encourage all our members to share with us any news, story ideas, innovations and information concerning the nursery and garden industry. |
What's on in our Winter issue - Nuffield Scholarships
- Women's Leadership Development
- Plant Life Balance
- Fruit Fly Update
- NGIA Biosecurity Advice
- NGIA - Future Model update
- Nursery Papers Update
- Your Levy @ Work
- CTI - Transfer of Business
- NGIT Facebook Page
- Advertise with us!
Nuffield Scholarships Applications are Closing Soon! |
Nuffield Scholarships Applications for the 2018 Nuffield Australian Farming Scholarships are officially open! For more information please visit www.nuffield.com.au or click here to download the online brochure |
Women's Leadership Development Funding is available for Women's Leadership Development Women currently working in the retail sector have an opportunity to register their interest in a scholarship worth up to $8,000 to support participation in an accredited leadership development program. Click the link below to find out more and register your interest by completing the Expression of Interest form prior to 5pm on June 22nd. |
Winning Awards The Plant Life Balance program is featuring prominently across many forms of media. Recently making a news splash with Hort Innovation announcing that its augmented reality app has been named the Best Lifestyle Mobile Site and App, and Peoples' Voice winner in the 22nd annual Webby Awards. The innovative Plant Life Balance app allows users to upload a photograph of their space to give it a health rating. The app allows users to drag and drop plants over their photo to see how a number of plants can improve their health, wellness and air quality. This FREE app Combines a wealth of industry knowledge and research to make recommendations for specific locations and light levels. |
Biosecurity Advisory 15/2018 - Fruit Fly Update |
A major effort has been undertaken to eradicate fruit fly from Tasmania. Included in this effort has been: - Approximately 2500 properties have cooperated with the fruit fly response
- Spot baiting undertaken at approximately 1200 properties
- Surveillance through checking of around 1000 permanent traps placed around the state
- Checking of an additional 333 surveillance traps placed around infected sites
- Approximately 4500 trap checks undertaken
- Approximately 3300 larval surveys undertaken
This work would not have been possible without the support of the community and industry which has enabled access to properties for surveillance and eradication activities as well as reported possible signs of fruit fly. Further information on fruit Fly in Tasmania can be found at DPIPWE |
Biosecurity Advice from NGIA Download a copy of an updated biosecurity alert for CITRUS CANKER which has been detected in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Citrus Canker is a significant exotic plant pest which is yet to establish in Australia. The potential impact of Citrus Canker will most severely impact the cities and nursery industries. If you see citrus plants with unusual disease symptoms or suspect Citrus Canker, phone the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881. |
Future Model for our Industry A message from our CEO - Peter Vaughn Progress continues on the Future Model for the industry with the NGIA Board, State Presidents and CEO meeting to discuss the next steps in the review, development and transition process. The primary actions from this meeting were for external professionals to be engaged for: 1. Develop a business plan for the new proposed entity; and 2. Undertake an analysis of the consolidated figures of the network. From both activities, the group anticipate receiving robust information that addresses the assumptions, scenarios and sensitivities of the industry and includes clear definitions around heritage assets and association business. |
Follow the link below to download you copy of the most recent Nursery Papers - Reducing Reliance on Pesticides Growers have long relied on pesticides to protect their crops, but long term options for new chemistry are diminishing due to decreased investment by chemical companies. The nursery industry has secured minor use pesticide permits for appropriate pesticides to be used in the near future, but these are a short term solution. With this level of use comes more exposure to continual reviews by government regulators, and adverse effects can mean restricted use or the chemical may be deregistered altogether. This Nursery Paper looks at the news for nurseries to transition from using pesticides to applying Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles to future-proof production. Access the full library of Nursery Papers on the NGIA website.
See Your Levy @ Work with the latest HortLink Get an update on all new, current and recently completed levy-funded activity with the new edition of Hort Innovation's HortLink. As well as easy-to-read project updates, results and resources you can use in your business, HortLink includes case studies, industry contacts and more. Click on the Live Link below to check out HortLink. |
NurserySee how the nursery levy is hard at work! Scroll down to learn about Hort Innovation's current investment of the industry levy, and results from these investments, in the R&D and marketing snapshots - or click on a project name below |
Member Benefits Just a reminder to all our members of your member benefits and entitlements which are part of your annual subscription. NGIT offers all members access to accreditation, seminars and industry workshops, assistance from technical and commercial developmental officers, and Industrial Relations consultations through the Centre for Tasmanian Industry. |
Centre for Tasmanian Industry Transfer of Business Transfer of business can be a complex matter, however we have tried to outline important points for both buyers and sellers to consider. There are certain variations which can occur between states. - When does a transfer of business occur?
- Legal obligations when transferring employees
- What is a connection between employers?
- Employee entitlements on a transfer of business
- Transfer of personnel records
Please phone 03 6244 8881 or email info@centretasindustry.com to make an appointment to discuss what assistance CTI can provide. |
NGIT Facebook Page NGIT or Nursery and Garden Industry of Tasmania have our own Facebook page and invite all our active 'Facebook Friendly' members to 'LIKE' our page by clicking this link. Facebook is another great way to keep in touch with our members, it's casual and informal yet can also be very informative. Social media advertising is a great marketing tool for any business in today's fast moving and modern world and we encourage all our members to become our Facebook Friends. We regularly post interesting articles and information from all areas of our industry and encourage our members to engage in this simple form of networking and communication. |
Advertise with NGIT Tassie eNews Tassie eNews is one of NGIT's key methods of communication that is delivered statewide to all our member's in-boxes regularly. So if you have an event you would like to promote, a training course, product you wish to sell or promote, or a position you wish to fill we invite you to consider advertising with us for FREE. We extend this offer of FREE advertising space to all our NGIT members for up to 4 advertising spaces per year*. For further details please contact Kay Carney @ admin@ngitas.com.au *Terms and conditions do apply. All advertisements must be content appropriate to the nursery and garden industry and will undergo approval by NGIT Administration. Non-members are welcome to apply for advertising space for a nominal fee. |
Have an Warm Cosy Winter! |