If you regularly read our newsletter you will be aware of our advocacy in regards to the Peninsula Stormwater project. The project managed by Healthy Waters (Auckland Council) is an upgrade of the stormwater system in Te Atatū Peninsula. The Peninsula has had a population boom and the ageing infrastructure is not coping well, leading to stormwater flooding. These upgrades are sorely needed and if done well should reduce the amount of sewage overflows into Te Wai o Pareira as well. However… Rivercare Group has serious concerns about the way that this project has been planned mostly related to a lack of environmental consideration. For example in the current plan the storm water outlets have no form of filtration to prevent silt and heavy metals and toxins entering delicate ecosystems (including Harbourview where the Godwits/kuaka and other native shorebirds feed).
For over a year we have been requesting information and meetings with healthy waters with mixed results but we are now pleased to report that after escalating our concerns
to the Auckland Council Director Barry Potter we have been assigned a senior manager who will meet with us over the coming weeks to hear our concerns. As far as we are aware the Peninsula Stormwater Project is currently on hold pending an assessment of environmental effects.
We want to reiterate that we are supportive of this project but are asking for the following ·
A commitment that the mana of local iwi and hapu is upheld during this process
An acknowledgement that, without mitigation, that the proposed upgrade will likely have negative impacts on our sensitive marine receiving environments
A long-term commitment to improving the quality of stormwater discharges generated by this project, and that all impacts are monitored
To understand the portion of the project budget committed to stormwater quality improvement beyond gross litter control.
We hope that a solution can be reached which will meet the ecological, people and financial needs at play and that this project will be one that we can be proud of for years to come. We will keep you updated on any developments.