Hello and welcome to our july-August news letter .
Well here we go covid-s nearly in the past. YAHOO
That was last Months head lines .
Unfortunately there was a few bad apples in the community that couldn't follow the the rules and now we are back to square 1 .
So where to now for us as a club ?
Fraser trip still a go . YAHOO
We did decided to cancel last weeks raffles. We will put a plan together on Tuesday night for all up coming raffles .
The next meeting was at the pub on the 4/8/20 we have decided to do a mazda .HaHa a zoom meting .
We do hope that all club members stay safe .
Fraser island 2020
This years trip looks to be a good one .To date we have 7 cars and 15 people coming .
If you are still keen to come give us a yell and we can hook you up with all the details.
This year we hope to bag a few more fish and have a few more laughs.and make a lot of memories.
I am hopping Felix has his guitar and a few kenny rogers songs in his line up .
We have a few new club members coming to this trip,so i hope they have a good time .
Last years trip was a blast lots of fish and a lot of sight seeking on this amazing island .
We had a good bunch of people attend last years trip .
And hope we can get a few more at this years trip .